mmghannam / co-work2024

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CO@Work 2024 Workshop

CO@Work is a summer school aimed at students and practitioners of mathematical optimization. The 2024 edition is located at Zuse Institute Berlin, with the option of attending remotely.

From days 17 to 19 of September, three tutorial sessions are scheduled. They were prepared by Bruno Vieira, Mohammed Ghannam, and João Dionísio. The three days are organized as follows:

The first two days will focus primarily on FICO Xpress, while the third day is dedicated to SCIP. Both solvers will be accessed from their respective Python interfaces.

The material for each day can be found in the respective folder, with further instructions inside on how to proceed.

Getting Started

For the easiest and smoothest experience, use GitHub codespaces to start a development environment in the cloud. On the main page of the co-at-work-2024 github repository:

After that, you're ready to go and can run the first code cell!