mmindje / Data-management-FRC-RBIS

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Organizing Amphibian raw data #18

Closed mmindje closed 3 years ago

mmindje commented 3 years ago

Cleaning and compile data from literature and data holders

mmindje commented 3 years ago

@Thacien1 and @DanielIgirimbabazi Daniel you can add the different raw data here. From Matthew, myself, and shall I add papers I think have records.

we shall try to look together how we can retrieve the spp records in these literature

  1. Van der Hoek, Y., Tuyisingize, D., Eckardt, W., Garriga, N., & Derhé, M. A. (2019). Spatial variation in anuran richness, diversity, and abundance across montane wetland habitat in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. Ecology and Evolution, 9(7), 4220–4230.

  2. Sinsch, Ulrich, Lümkemann, K., Rosar, K., Christiane Schwarz, & Dehling, J. M. (2012). Acoustic Niche Partitioning in an Anuran Community Inhabiting an Afromontane Wetland (Butare, Rwanda). African Zoology, 47(1), 60–73.

  3. Roelke, C. E., & Smith, E. N. (2010a). Herpetofauna, Parc National des Volcans, Republic of Rwanda. Check List 6(4), 6(4), 525–531.

  4. Measey, G. J., Hinkel, H. H., Dumbo, B., & Fischer, E. (2011). Rediscovery of Boulengerula fischeri, with notes on its morphology and habitat. African Journal of Herpetology, 60(1), 47–59.

  5. Mindje, M., Tumushimire, L., & Sinsch, U. (2020). Diversity assessment of anurans in the mugesera wetland (Eastern Rwanda): Impact of habitat disturbance and partial recovery. Salamandra, 56(1), 27–38.

  6. Frost, D. R. (2020). Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.1.

  7. Fischer, E. (2011). Biodiversity Inventory for Key Wetlands in Rwanda Final Report Association for the Promotion of Sustainable Development in Rwanda.

  8. Dehling, J. M., & Sinsch, U. (2013b). Diversity of Ridged Frogs (Anura: Ptychadenidae: Ptychadena spp.) in wetlands of the upper Nile in Rwanda: Morphological, bioacoustic, and molecular evidence. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 253(2), 143–157.

  9. Dehling, J. M. (2012). An African glass frog: A new Hyperolius species (Anura: Hyperoliidae) from Nyungwe National Park, Southern Rwanda. Zootaxa, 64(3391), 53–64.

  10. Lehr, E., Dehling, J. M., Greenbaum, E., & Sinsch, U. (2015). Embryogenesis and tadpole description of hyperolius castaneus Ahl, 1931 and H. jackie Dehling, 2012 (Anura, Hyperoliidae) from montane bog pools. ZooKeys, 2015(546), 125–152.

  11. Tumushimire, L., Mindje, M., Sinsch, U., & Dehling, J. M. (2020). Anuran diversity of cultivated wetlands in Rwanda: melting pot of generalists? Salamandra, 56(2), 99–112.