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Add a few papers on text analysis methods #4

Open kaclaborn opened 2 years ago

kaclaborn commented 2 years ago

How do others define search words? What methods do they use? How to develop a corpus? What types of sources?

kaclaborn commented 2 years ago

Could google things like "corpus-based text analysis" or "semantic mapping"

KristaLawless commented 2 years ago

I added 6 sources with annotated bibs for our project on the Dropbox shared annotated bib document.

KristaLawless commented 2 years ago

We could use narrative coding, focused coding, process coding

kaclaborn commented 2 years ago

Added a few papers to our shared Dropbox folder. They touch of various methods for corpus-based analysis -- collocation analysis, semantic mapping, and content mapping. There is also a paper (Adams et al 2016) that gives some tips and tricks for how to select documents from the gray literature (e.g., newspapers, etc.); and a paper (Aiello & Simeone 2019) that focuses more broadly on how to use textual data to "triangulate on history". I can try to write out a little blurb for each paper in our shared annotated bibs doc.