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MDE Ed-Fi Documentation: repository of basic docs on the MN Department of Education's Ed-Fi implementation.
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Questions about Direct Pay and Project Based records #30

Closed mmdolbow closed 2 years ago

mmdolbow commented 2 years ago

A vendor asks: The course examples for Direct Pay and Project Based say to have a single record created with the course code of "Direct Pay PSEO" or "Project Based."

  1. Does this mean that if we have Direct Pay courses set up in our software, we aren't actually going to pull them?
  2. If we are only creating placeholders, should Direct Pay and Project Based courses be ignored when creating courses / course offerings?
  3. As far as course information is concerned, is the only thing unique to the district the CourseCourseAssociations when it comes to Direct Pay and Project Based (i.e. the links between college courses and the state course)?
mmdolbow commented 2 years ago

FINAL ANSWER: Set aside Project-Based for now, since we are not certifying on it at this time. Regarding Direct Pay:

  1. The Direct Pay course will be submitted to Ed-Fi, if that's what you mean by "pull". The course record, course offering record, and section record are required to fulfill the Ed-Fi data structures. Otherwise you would not be able to create the student section association that is needed to demonstrate that a student is enrolled in a Direct Pay situation. You are free to do what makes sense within your software to create and manage these records, but they need to be submitted to Ed-Fi. If you mean something else by "pull", then we need clarification.
  2. We're not sure how what you mean by "ignore" - see above answer and #25. Perhaps what you should know about Direct Pay is that you only need one record each for course, course offering, and section - then you can reuse those records as many times as you need to, unlike other courses where specific details and descriptions will be created for many.
  3. Other than being placeholder records that are reused, the requirements for CourseCourseAssociations are the most unique part about the Direct Pay setup. Unlike dual-enrollment or articulation, there is no requirement to create an association between the district course and the college course. But a CourseCourseAssociation needs to be set up for the college course and the SEA course. See scenario 10 in the course resource section and the related examples in the sample data.