mobileresearch / weibo_ios_sdk_sso-oauth

sina weibo sdk of sso and Oauth2.0
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ios dev 6.1 sdk ,so many warning #25

Closed refox0 closed 10 years ago

refox0 commented 11 years ago

,,,not undersnd why u use object->isa ,,

if u want to check your own class , why not try like this,

base : NSObject { int type; // class type }

xxx1 : base { JKArray array; xxxx xx; } “-” jk_encode_add_atom_to_buffer:( xxx ) xxx;

and not use case JKClassString: case JKClassNumber:,goto。。 just like "PO" try to use "OO",

refox0 commented 11 years ago

or ,, use NSJSONSerialization relace jsonkit , looks battler.