modelica / ModelicaSpecification

Specification of the Modelica Language
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Specification of delay() #2953

Open AHaumer opened 3 years ago

AHaumer commented 3 years ago

Chapter states: "For simplicity, this is not supported because the minimum delay time has to be given as additional argument to be fixed at compile time." There seems to be a typo: "give" should be replaced by "given". Furthermore - excuse my limited understanding - I can't see how an event has to be delayed. Assume we have a a step signal at time=0.1, and apply the delay operator with a delay of 0.1, does the result reproduce a step at time=0.2 or could it be a steep ramp? Some (rare) models rely on delay(), e.g. Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Lines.TLine. Results of test examples should be identical when using different tools.

model TestDelay
  Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step step(startTime=0.1);
  Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.FixedDelay fixedDelay(delayTime=0.1);
  connect(step.y, fixedDelay.u);
end TestDelay;
henrikt-ma commented 3 years ago

Generalizing delay to discrete-time signals – both Real and of other types – would be an interesting new feature. Is this what you are suggesting?