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[Edit Suggestion] FormIt.Hooks.FormItSaveForm #246

Open intersel opened 5 years ago

intersel commented 5 years ago

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Issue or Suggestion

It was easy to find in the snippet but there is no word about the "updateSavedForm" and "savedFormHashKeyField" properties that are quite usefull...

.... fieldNames | Change the name of the field inside the CMP. So if the field name is email2 you could change the name to "secondary email". Ex: &fieldnames=fieldname==newfieldname, anotherone==anothernewname. .....

updateSavedForm default: 0. If set to '1', will update the form in DB if it was previously saved.

savedFormHashKeyField default:'savedFormHashKey'. name of the formit field that stores the hash key of the saved form.