mohitkanwar / mohitkanwar-personal-webapp

This repo contains another attempt to have a personal portfolio for myself
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Fix scully issue #17

Closed mohitkanwar closed 11 months ago

mohitkanwar commented 11 months ago

✔ Route "/tech" rendered into "./dist/static/tech/index.html" ⚠

  Error, missing "<scully-content>" in route "/tech/crafting-api-magic"
  without <scully-content> we can not render this route.
  Make sure it is in there, and not inside any conditionals (*ngIf)
  You can check this by opening "http://localhost:4200/tech/crafting-api-magic"
  when you serve your app with ng serve and then in the browsers console run:

✔ Route "/tech/crafting-api-magic" rendered into "./dist/static/tech/crafting-api-magic/index.html" ⚠

  Error, missing "<scully-content>" in route "/tech/gift-city"
  without <scully-content> we can not render this route.
  Make sure it is in there, and not inside any conditionals (*ngIf)
  You can check this by opening "http://localhost:[42]("
  when you serve your app with ng serve and then in the browsers console run:
mohitkanwar commented 11 months ago
