It seems that this package has all kinds of problems and the user needs to jump all kinds of hoops to make basic functionality possible.
That's where I gave up converting scanpy's h5ad to seurat format.
Convert("./curated-objects/mono-unt-seurat.h5ad", dest = "h5seurat")
Error in dfile$obj_copy_from(src_loc = source, src_name = "obs", dst_name = "") :
HDF5-API Errors:
error #000: H5Ocopy.c in H5Ocopy(): line 240: unable to copy object
class: HDF5
major: Object header
minor: Unable to copy object
error #001: H5VLcallback.c in H5VL_object_copy(): line 5495: object copy failed
class: HDF5
major: Virtual Object Layer
minor: Unable to copy object
error #002: H5VLcallback.c in H5VL__object_copy(): line 5456: object copy failed
class: HDF5
major: Virtual Object Layer
minor: Unable to copy object
My 2 cents is that if this package is not actively developed or maintained then it should be archived so people are not wasting their time trying to use this.
It seems that this package has all kinds of problems and the user needs to jump all kinds of hoops to make basic functionality possible.
That's where I gave up converting scanpy's h5ad to seurat format.
My 2 cents is that if this package is not actively developed or maintained then it should be archived so people are not wasting their time trying to use this.