PDBe Molstar
PDBe implementation of Mol* (/'mol-star/)
Refer PDBe Molstar Wiki for detailed documentation and examples
Building & Running locally
npm install
npm run build
# npm run rebuild # for a clean build
npm run serve
Build automatically on file save:
npm run watch
Manual testing
- Run locally by
npm run serve
- Go to and check the viewer with various different setting (some of these reflect the actual setting on PDBe pages)
- If you want to tweak the options, go to "Frame URL" and change the options in the URL
- Bump version in
using semantic versioning
- Use a version number like "1.2.3-beta.1" for development versions (to be used in development environment wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk)
- Use a version number like "1.2.3" for proper releases
- Ensure
npm install && npm run lint && npm run rebuild
works locally
- Update
- Git commit and push (commit message e.g. "Version 1.2.3")
- Create a git tag matching the version with prepended "v" (e.g. "v1.2.3")
- The GitHub repo will automatically be mirrored to EBI GitLab (might take up to 1 hour)
- CICD pipeline in EBI GitLab will automatically publish the package to npm (https://www.npmjs.com/package/pdbe-molstar)
- The files will become available via JSDeliver
- Go to https://www.jsdelivr.com/tools/purge and purge the cache for abovementioned URLs (otherwise it might take up to 7 days to before
starts pointing to the new version)