mom-ocean / MOM6

Modular Ocean Model
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Evaluate river and calving heat fluxes #629

Open jkrasting opened 6 years ago

jkrasting commented 6 years ago

During the development of the 0.25° ocean used in CM4, explicit land model heat fluxes from rivers and calving were not used. Instead, the heat fluxes on the ocean side assume a temperature equal to the SST for liquid and frozen runoff mass fluxes.

The 0.5° version of the ocean that will be used in ESM4 will use the calving and river heat fluxes. They are controlled by the parameters:


A few notes about these parameters:

Talked with @StephenGriffies and @slm7826 and we came up with a list of things to verify:

StephenGriffies commented 6 years ago

I suggest that the diag_table "tailored for surface budget analysis" become a standard diag_table for the 0.5 degree model. We never know when it may be important to perform a heat budget analysis including heat from liquid and solid runoff. As the surface fluxes are two-dimensional, they introduce a minor hit to the archive usage.

Hallberg-NOAA commented 6 years ago

While I agree that it is a good idea to have a default diag_table for certain configurations that allows the surface heat budget to be analyzed, this is an issue for NOAA-GFDL/MOM6-examples, not MOM6.

There are no diag_table files in the MOM6 repository. Moreover, the laudable to-do list that @jkrasting gives when opening this comment chain will necessarily be specific to the FMS-based coupled model configurations; verifying that each of these measures of cross-component consistency will check out for GFDL coupled model configurations is no guarantee that they will also work for other configurations using MOM6 with other couplers.

StephenGriffies commented 3 years ago

@jkrasting can we close this issue or is there a remaining task?

jkrasting commented 3 years ago

I think we can go ahead and close this from the ocean perspective. Not sure where this issue should be logged though. The ocean-ice and land systems are using slightly different freezing temperatures in their enthalpy calculations (SIS2=273.15; FMS constants=273.16).

StephenGriffies commented 3 years ago

Although @Hallberg-NOAA makes a good point about logging this issue under MOM6-examples, I note that there are possible code implications to handle the temperature of frozen precip. Those code issues are currently being considered by @gustavo-marques at NCAR and linked to issue #894

I thus suggest we keep the current issue open.