I don't think the following is OK in English, German, and Dutch, although one may be able to argue it is strictly speaking grammatically correct, I find it very confusing and suggest to change it.
Moreover, it surely needs fixing in Spanish and Italian, see below:
Der Patient stellte sich mit den folgenden Symptomen vor: Sekundärer Vorhofseptumdefekt, Muskulärer Ventrikelseptumdefekt, [...] Fehlender Radius, Hypoplasie der Speiche und Phokomelie der oberen Gliedmaßen wurden ausgeschlossen.
The proband presented with the following manifestations that were excluded: Secundum atrial septal defect, Muscular ventricular septal defect, [...] Absent radius, Hypoplasia of the radius, and Upper limb phocomelia.
De proband presenteerde met dus Secundum atriumseptumdefect, Musculair ventrikelseptumdefect, [...] Afwezige radius, Hypoplasie van de radius en Bovenste ledematen focomelie zijn uitgesloten.
Il soggetto si è presentato con E' stata esclusa la presenza dei seguenti sintomi: Difetto del setto atriale secundum, Difetto del setto ventricolare muscolare, [...] Raggio assente, Ipoplasia del radio e Focomelia dell'arto superiore.
El paciente se presentó con se descartaron Comunicación interauricular ostium secundum, Defecto septal ventricular muscular, [...] Ausencia de radio, Hipoplasia del radio y Focomelia miembro superior.
I don't think the following is OK in English, German, and Dutch, although one may be able to argue it is strictly speaking grammatically correct, I find it very confusing and suggest to change it.
Moreover, it surely needs fixing in Spanish and Italian, see below:
de Der Patient stellte sich mit den folgenden Symptomen vor: Sekundärer Vorhofseptumdefekt, Muskulärer Ventrikelseptumdefekt, [...] Fehlender Radius, Hypoplasie der Speiche und Phokomelie der oberen Gliedmaßen wurden ausgeschlossen.
en The proband presented with the following manifestations that were excluded: Secundum atrial septal defect, Muscular ventricular septal defect, [...] Absent radius, Hypoplasia of the radius, and Upper limb phocomelia.
nl De proband presenteerde met dus Secundum atriumseptumdefect, Musculair ventrikelseptumdefect, [...] Afwezige radius, Hypoplasie van de radius en Bovenste ledematen focomelie zijn uitgesloten.
it Il soggetto si è presentato con E' stata esclusa la presenza dei seguenti sintomi: Difetto del setto atriale secundum, Difetto del setto ventricolare muscolare, [...] Raggio assente, Ipoplasia del radio e Focomelia dell'arto superiore.
es El paciente se presentó con se descartaron Comunicación interauricular ostium secundum, Defecto septal ventricular muscular, [...] Ausencia de radio, Hipoplasia del radio y Focomelia miembro superior.