moneroexamples / onion-monero-blockchain-explorer

Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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"Cant get per kb dynamic fee esimate" error in networkinfo endpoint #292

Closed Olsm closed 1 year ago

Olsm commented 1 year ago

Sometimes the API returns this error on the networkinfo endpoint, then it resolves itself later in the day.

The full response is:

{"data":null,"message":"Cant get per kb dynamic fee esimate","status":"error"}

Why is this happening and how can we fix it?

moneroexamples commented 1 year ago

You have to provide more info. How exactly do you call it? Do you self-host the explorer? If so, which version, what options do you use?

IThinkUFailed commented 1 year ago

Hi there - I'll post the specifics for Olav who directed me here.

explorer version (api): master-2023-03-28-d669720 (1.2) | monero version:

The only options enabled are -p 80 and --enable-json-api

Accessing /api/networkinfo generates the following response: {"data":null,"message":"Cant get per kb dynamic fee esimate","status":"error"}

If I try several minutes later it will work. Looking at the VPS I have deployed it on I see nothing to indicate the server being overloaded or running out of storage. The VPS is also based on RAID10 SSD so it's pretty quick and not running on a spinning disk.

Hopefully, you may be able to point us in the right direction to debugging this, thanks!

moneroexamples commented 1 year ago

You can check now. The issue was that get_dynamic_per_kb_fee_estimate call to monero was failing. This is monero api thing. But now I made it that /api/networkinfo doesn't fully fail if get_dynamic_per_kb_fee_estimate fails.

IThinkUFailed commented 1 year ago

You can check now. The issue was that get_dynamic_per_kb_fee_estimate call to monero was failing. This is monero api thing. But now I made it that /api/networkinfo doesn't fully fail if get_dynamic_per_kb_fee_estimate fails.

Thank you! We'll give it a shot and report back any issues experienced.