monke7769 / MLConcussions

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Concussion Recovery Prediction Project

This project aims to provide personalized recovery recommendations for individuals experiencing symptoms following a concussion. The core functionality involves a web-based form where users can input the severity of their symptoms. The backend processes this data to generate a total score and specific recommendations based on the symptom severity.

Key Features:

  1. Symptom Input Form:

    • Users select the severity of various symptoms (e.g., Headache, Neck Pain, Nausea) from a predefined list.
    • The form is dynamically generated and organized into three columns for better user experience.
  2. Symptom Scoring:

    • Each symptom has an associated weight, and the severity is mapped to a numerical value.
    • The total score is calculated by multiplying the symptom weight by the severity value.
    • The total score and individual symptom scores are used to determine the severity of the condition.
  3. Recommendations Generation:

    • Based on the scores, the system generates specific recommendations to aid in recovery.
    • Recommendations are tailored to the severity of each symptom and include general advice as well as medical guidance for more severe cases.
    • The recommendations are displayed below the form upon submission.
  4. User Interface:

    • The interface is designed to be user-friendly and visually appealing, with a clean layout and responsive design.
    • Background and styling elements provide a calming and professional appearance, enhancing the overall user experience.

This project combines frontend user interaction with backend data processing to deliver a helpful tool for individuals recovering from a concussion. The system leverages medical guidelines and best practices to offer actionable advice, supporting users in their recovery journey.