moonbeam-foundation / gitcoin-hello-world-by-moonbeam

Gitcoin Virtual Hackathon
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[ECOSYSTEM CHALLENGE] Deploy on Moonbase Alpha using Truffle #1

Open albertov19 opened 3 years ago

albertov19 commented 3 years ago

Hello World! by Polkadot

Gitcoin has integrated Polkadot and Kusama tokens (DOT and KSM) into its tech stack, making them one of the first full integrations outside of the Ethereum ecosystem.

To celebrate the integration on Gitcoin, we are organising Hello World! by Polkadot, a series of challenges to bring you on a journey of Polkadot development discovery.

Check out the kick-off webinar for more details and information.

Challenges and prizes

The challenges are in four categories: (1) Beginner, (2) Intermediate, (3) Advanced, and (4) Ecosystem. The first three are written specifically for Polkadot and Kusama, whereas the Ecosystem category is made up of challenges created by Polkadot ecosystem projects. Challenge payouts are capped at 50, meaning that only the first fifty valid submissions will receive a payout.

Challenge # Prize Cap
Beginner 7 3 DOT 50
Intermediate 5 1 KSM 50
Advanced 4 10 DOT 50
Ecosystem 8 5 DOT 50

In addition, there is an EXTRA PRIZE of 150 DOT for the first 50 that manage to complete 18 or more challenges.

Everyone successfully solving any challenge and receiving a payout will also get an awesome piece of Polkadot swag as well as a Kusama-based NFT, issued via RMRK.


🧑‍💻 [ECOSYSTEM CHALLENGE] Deploy on Moonbase Alpha using Truffle

Challenge description

This challenge focuses on using Truffle, a widely used developer tool in Ethereum, to deploy an ERC20 token contract to Moonbase Alpha (Moonbeam TestNet). Funds for deployment can be requested from the Faucet set up in our Moonbeam's Discord channel.

You need to configure Truffle to connect to Moonbase Alpha.

Submission requirements

The submitted result is the address of the migrations contract (normally deployed by Truffle) and the address of the ERC20 token contract. Please submit them separated by a comma, that is: migrationsAddress,tokenAddress

The verification process will check, using the provided addresses, that the owner of the Migrations contract is the same as the owner of the ERC20 token totalSupply. It will also check for a standard ERC20 token structure, with the standard methods such as name, symbol, decimals and totalSupply.


In our Docs Website you will find lots of information available:

We recommend using the private provider configured in our Truffle tutorial.

Got questions?

Head over to the Polkadot Discord and have a look in the Hello World! by Polkadot on Gitcoin section and 🧬 substrate-technical-chat

Moonbeam Network

Moonbeam makes it easy to build decentralized applications on Polkadot. With our smart contracts and compatibility with the Ethereum developer toolset, you can quickly build applications using widely known tools such as MetaMask, Truffle, Remix and the Web3 JS library, for example.

For more information, visit our website:

Let's connect


Instructions for our TestNet and other development-focused conversation is found on our Discord channel.


General information and other non-technical topics can be discussed in our Telegram group here.


Follow us on Twitter for regular updates: @MoonbeamNetwork.


For video-tutorials and related content, subscribe to our YouTube channel here.


We send a monthly newsletter with project updates that you can sign up for here.

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 5.0 DOT (30.4 USD @ $6.08/DOT) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 5.0 DOT (30.45 USD @ $6.09/DOT) has been submitted by:

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 5.0 DOT has been submitted by:

  1. @harman-singh-waraich
  2. @aadorian
  3. @mpetrun5
  4. @grekinsky
  5. @gdixon
  6. @sarahkay99
  7. @maksim-tolo
  8. @dcarpintero
  9. @echolon166
  10. @orangemio
  11. @hugoo
  12. @dotrungkien
  13. @avcdsld
  14. @joshglobal
  15. @scarletbright
  16. @eharris128
  17. @shirshak55
  18. @laurenttrk
  19. @sekmet
  20. @rafat
  21. @amitjosh
  22. @y12studio
  23. @harodggg
  24. @jimmy-tudeski
  25. @kichjang
  26. @bitash
  27. @shamb0
  28. @tunap
  29. @mswezey23
  30. @santanaruben
  31. @nocmar
  32. @nmlinaric
  33. @kafcioo
  34. @anhcao142
  35. @jimytech
  36. @antisaa
  37. @vinhbhn
  38. @franono
  39. @sonhng
  40. @ubinix-warun
  41. @mttrung
  42. @nnti3n
  43. @trongvuong1902
  44. @maar-io
  45. @master-davidlee
  46. @martinloesethjensen
  47. @kwsantiago
  48. @obxium
  49. @vitalyvolozhinov
  50. @chainvisions
  51. @juanpalopez
  52. @tonysun83
  53. @brettkolodny
  54. @sourabupadhya123
  55. @s5k0651
  56. @quantsec
  57. @stephenstb
  58. @fussyl
  59. @burgerking12
  60. @nnnkit
  61. @nukemandan
  62. @pkrasam
  63. @pmensik
  64. @yasiryagi
  65. @ksk2345
  66. @aviekakkar
  67. @jeffanthony

@purestakatie please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 3 months, 3 weeks ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) harman-singh-waraich has started work.

Repo for submissions of Polkadot's Hello World Hackathon 2) mpetrun5 has started work.

ERC20 Truffle deployment 3) gdixon has started work.

Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle 4) sarahkay99 has started work.

Deployed a migrations contract + a custom token contract on the Moonbeam testnet, using the account 0x37109cf389F38383AA45453F2A445f42438ED59e 5) rafat has started work.

Deploy on Moonbase Alpha using Truffle 6) maksim-tolo has started work.

Polkadot Hackathon 7) echolon166 has started work.

I've deployed an ERC20 token contract to Moonbase Alpha using Truffle. 8) orangemio has started work.

truffle 9) surajsingla333 has started work.

Deploy contract on moonbeam using truffle 10) dotrungkien has started work.

Write contract with Truffle, then deploy to Moonbeam network 11) avcdsld has started work.

Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle 12) joshglobal has started work.

Launching ERC-20 contract on Moonbeam using Truffle 13) scarletbright has started work.

Hello World! 14) antisaa has started work. 15) amitjosh has started work.

Ecosystem challenge Moonbeam/Truffle 16) eharris128 has started work.

Truffle moonbeam 17) shirshak55 has started work.

Truffle 18) laurenttrk has started work.

Hello World! Polkadot Hackathon 19) y12studio has started work.

Deploy on Moonbase Alpha using Truffle 20) harodggg has started work.

deploy_erc20_truffle 21) jimmy-tudeski has started work.

Starting migrations... Network name: 'development' Network id: 43 Block gas limit: 0 (0x0)

2_deploy_contracts.js Deploying 'MyToken' transaction hash: 0x14ac0305b149e96d54ed216e7e3fb204c30b7d20f3d72b66e55c3b895a0fcffb Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0 contract address: 0xC2Bf5F29a4384b1aB0C063e1c666f02121B6084a block number: 998 block timestamp: 1603411383000 account: 0x6Be02d1d3665660d22FF9624b7BE0551ee1Ac91b balance: 123456.10086666 gas used: 0 (0x0) gas price: 20 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0 ETH

Saving artifacts

Total cost: 0 ETH

Summary Total deployments: 1 Final cost: 0 ETH


0xC2Bf5F29a4384b1aB0C063e1c666f02121B6084a 0x5c4242beB94dE30b922f57241f1D02f36e906915 22) kichjang has started work.

Deploy an ERC20 token contract to Moonbase Alpha via Truffle. 23) bitash has started work.

truffle deployment 24) shamb0 has started work.

[ECOSYSTEM CHALLENGE] Deploy on Moonbase Alpha using Truffle 25) tunap has started work.

Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle 26) mswezey23 has started work.

Deploying a contract on Moon Alpha via Truffle 27) santanaruben has started work.

Truffle project on Moonbase Alpha 28) nocmar has started work.

Deploy sc 29) kafcioo has started work.

deploy using trufle 30) anhcao142 has started work.

. 31) jimytech has started work.

Truffle moonbeam deploy 32) sonhng has started work.

Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle 33) mttrung has started work.

Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle 34) nnti3n has started work.

Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle 35) trongvuong1902 has started work.

Deploy on Moonbase Alpha using Truffle 36) maar-io has started work.

I will deploy solidity contract on Moonbase Alpha using Truffle 37) master-davidlee has started work.

advancdeadvancde 38) obxium has started work.

artist and technologist, getting excited about Polkadot ecosystem, including of course Moonbeam! 39) vitalyvolozhinov has started work.

Using truffle to deploy on alpha moonbase 40) chainvisions has started work.

Deploy an ERC20 contract onto Moonbase Alpha and provide the address of the migrations smart contract and the ERC20 token smart contract. 41) juanpalopez has started work.

Moonbeam-truffle 42) tonysun83 has started work.

Deploy ERC20 Contract on Moonbeam 43) brettkolodny has started work.

Deploying the ERC20 contract to moonbase 44) s5k0651 has started work.

Deploy on Moonbase Alpha using Truffle 45) quantsec has started work.

Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle 46) stephenstb has started work.

Deploying an erc20 token onto moonbase testnet with truffle. 47) pmensik has started work.

The goal of our project is to participate in the development, growth, and promotion of the Polkadot and its upcoming ecosystem of projects. 48) ksk2345 has started work.

Deploy on Moonbase Alpha using Truffle 49) nukemandan has started work.

erc20 NUKET 50) pkrasam has started work.

ECOSYSTEM CHALLENGE] Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle 51) yasiryagi has started work.

[ECOSYSTEM CHALLENGE] Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle 52) aviekakkar has started work.

part of hello world by polkadot 53) jeffanthony has started work.

Polkadot "Hello World!" Hackathon 54) theunity has started work.

Deploy On Moonbase Alpha Using Truffle

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.