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add missing dependency #100

Closed Trott closed 9 years ago

Trott commented 9 years ago

index.html references node_modules/highlight.js/styles/solarized_light.css for syntax highlighting but highlight.js is not in the dependencies in package.json. Syntax highlighting works for people who happen to have highlight.js lying around in their node_modules but is broken for fresh installs. This PR adds it as a dependency to fix this. I think I'm way over-explaining here.

beaugunderson commented 9 years ago

good catch! :sparkles:

Flet commented 9 years ago

This module got moved over to rich-message.. hmm how to handle...

ungoldman commented 9 years ago

@Flet maybe rich-message has a stylesheet that bundles highlight.js style if necessary?

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="node_modules/rich-message/css/rich-message.css">