mooxphp / moox-press

Old Monorepo for Press
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

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PEST Tests Laravel PINT PHP Code Style PHPStan Level 5

TailwindCSS 3 AlpineJS 3 Laravel 11 Laravel Livewire 2

Codacy Code Quality Codacy Coverage Code Climate Maintainability Snyk Security

Renovate Translation status License Slack

# Moox Press Monorepo - ARCHIVE Welcome to the Moox project. This is the OLD Moox Press Monorepo. It is not used anymore, as Moox Press is now part of [the mooxphp/moox monorepo]( ## Packages - Moox Press - early stage, do not try to use! ## Installation The Laravel dev app in the root-folder of the Moox Monorepo is made for instant development with Laravel Valet, Laravel Sail or Laragon. ```bash # Create a .env file and adjust to your needs cp .env.example .env # Using Laravel Valet or Herd (use .win.php for Windows) cp LocalValetDriver.mac.php LocalValetDriver.php # Install Laravel composer install php artisan key:generate # Install WordPress (use initwp.bat for Windows) ./ # Import mooxwp.sql to your DB mysql -u root -p moox-press < moox-press.sql # Alternatively do a bunch of commands and run the WordPress web installer php artisan mooxjobs:install php artisan make:session-table php artisan migrate:fresh --seed # Use Vite (for Laravel Sail on Windows: do it in Ubuntu, not inside the Sail container) npm install npm run dev ``` Afterwards you can login using: - User: sysadm - Pass: aUkAqKMBgdkoy3tshMGZ ## Deployment For deployment with Laravel Forge (or on Nginx otherwise) add the location /wp/ part and replace the /wp/ with your intended subfolder: ``` location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string; } location /wp/ { try_files $uri $uri/ /wp/index.php?$query_string; } location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; } location = /robots.txt { access_log off; log_not_found off; } ```