I suggest this:
For me, this is self-explanatory. We do not need to import in a README and the lines are really easy to grasp, I feel adding comments is really not nice.
env = Struct({'n_comp': 3,
'discount_reward': 0.95,
'k_comp': 2,
'env_correlation': False,
'campaign_cost': False})
obs, rewards_sum, done = env.reset(), 0, False
while not done:
actions = {f"agent_{i}": random.randint(0,2) for i in range(3)}
obs, rewards, done, insp_outcomes = env.step(actions)
I suggest this: For me, this is self-explanatory. We do not need to import in a README and the lines are really easy to grasp, I feel adding comments is really not nice.