morinlab / GAMBLR

Set of standardized functions to operate with genomic data
MIT License
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Decouple the GAMBLR codebase into thematic packages #232

Closed Kdreval closed 8 months ago

Kdreval commented 12 months ago

With the growing codebase and consistent updates to the functionality, the growing burden of dependencies and installation of GAMBLR is becoming a bigger problem. One of the ways to address this is to separate the package into it's own small thematic packages. There is already GAMBLR.predict that illustrates the set up. The new individual packages are: (already exists) GAMBLR.viz (all functions devoted to plotting) GAMBLR.results (all functions that exist solely to provide access to the GAMBL results, i.e mostly functions starting with get_) GAMBLR.utils (other utilities that don’t fit into the above, core functionality of GAMBLR that doesn’t necessarily rely on GAMBL data)

Each of them will have GAMBLR core as it's dependency, just like the GAMBLR.predict does