moriyoshi / cyrus-sasl-xoauth2

XOAUTH2 mechanism plugin for cyrus-sasl
MIT License
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Server Side configuration needs more information #13

Open GeorgelT opened 3 weeks ago

GeorgelT commented 3 weeks ago


we're trying to implement this plugin for our cyrus imap server that has roundcube as a client. We've been able to get it to be recognized as a plugin for sasl2, but the cyrus configuration as described is currently only hints.

Can we maybe get an actual example configuration or at least specify the variable where the listed flags need to go.

I can infer from the current description that I need to activate the following things as an example:

I need comment out this:

# Force PLAIN/LOGIN authentication only
# (you need to uncomment this if you are not using an auxprop-based SASL
# mechanism.  saslauthd users, that means you!). And pay attention to
# sasl_minimum_layer and allowapop below, too.
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN

I need to add:

sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd,auxprop

uncomment and edit:
sasl_auxprop_plugin: oauth2BearerTokens

But what do I do with xoauth2_scope? I don't have this flag in my cyrus imapd.conf file. Secondly what is the exact method name?

Plugin "xoauth2" [loaded],  API version: 4
    SASL mechanism: XOAUTH2, best SSF: 0

We tried both lowercase and uppercase as the method and in both cases it is not recognized by saslauthd:

Jun 11 15:26:03 saslauthd[26256]: Starting SASL Authentication Daemon: saslauthdsaslauthd[26275] :unknown authentication mechanism: XOAUTH2
Jun 11 15:26:03  saslauthd[26256]:  failed!