morphware / daemon

Desktop client
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Morphware client

This project is the mono repo for the Morphware client. This code base has all the end user functionality:

The primary release package are portable Windows and Linux binary's as well as Windows installers, DEB and RPM packages.

Repo layout

This is a mono repo containing the front end React project for the UI, the back end express.js project for the business logic and the electron project we use mostly as a multi platform build system. Here is a general overview of the files and folders:

Local development

All code is currently in NodeJS. To do local dev work, you need to have NodeJS 14.x installed. If you are on Linux, we recommend NodeSource to install the correct version, as your OS package manager may have older(or newer) version. Windows users on WSL should also use NodeSource. Other Windows can find the correct installer on the NodeJS website. Insert blurb about NodeJS on OSX

You need to have Python3.x.x and pip3.

You will also need Git to clone and push the code.

Once you have all the required system dependencies, clone this repo and move to it.

This will call npm install for each of the sub projects in the repo. Install the node dependencies with the following command:

npm install

To get a full envelopment run of the project, execute:

npm run dev

You can also move into frontend or backend and just run each project in dev mode.

npm start


The project uses electron-build to compile the app. The build conf is stored in project.json under the build key. Building has only been executed under Linux. @wmantly is putting together a build document and is coming soon.

At some point soon, we will set up a CI/CD pipeline to build.

This requires a lot of system packages, run with care

To execute a build, run:

npm run build


The CLI is meant to assist in development work and production build debugging. I would like to allow all conf options to be set via the CLI.

08:41 PM william$ npm run dev -- --help

> Morphware-Wallet@0.0.1 dev
> node devRun.js "--help"

  Usage: devRun.js [options] [command]

    help     Display help
    version  Display version

    -A, --appDataPath  Path where local data is held
    -e, --electronDev  Load chrome dev tools
    -E, --ethAddress   Remote etherum node
    -H, --help         Output usage information
    -h, --httpPort     http port
    -p, --privateKey   Wallet Object
    -v, --version      Output the version number
    -r, --role         Clients assumed role. "Poster", "Worker" or "Validator"