Ndk build is passed,now i met a new problem , subthread is not running !
It works perfect on ios !
I tried to turn off the luajit on android ,still seems no effective.
Below is the test code !
Ps: I also tested the luaproc and llthread,both met the same problem ,no log info printed.
local llthread= require "llthread2"
local thread_code = [[
print("CHILD: received params:", ...)
return ...
local thread = llthreads.new(thread_code, "number:", 1234, "nil:", nil, "bool:", true)
Ndk build is passed,now i met a new problem , subthread is not running ! It works perfect on ios ! I tried to turn off the luajit on android ,still seems no effective. Below is the test code ! Ps: I also tested the luaproc and llthread,both met the same problem ,no log info printed.