motional / nuplan-devkit

The devkit of the nuPlan dataset.
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Ego velocity vy seems wrong, even if it is in local frame #337

Open zhangdongkun98 opened 1 year ago

zhangdongkun98 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Bug1: Ego past velocity and acceleration are transformed into local frame.

Bug2: Ego velocity vy is wrong, while vx seems correct.


Steps To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. My test code (put it in tutorials folder) for reproducing this bug is following:

Useful imports

import os from pathlib import Path

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type

import hydra from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf import tempfile

import numpy as np import torch np.set_printoptions(precision=6, linewidth=65536, suppress=True, threshold=np.inf) torch.set_printoptions(precision=6, threshold=1000, edgeitems=None, linewidth=65536, profile=None, sci_mode=False)

from import build_torch_module_wrapper from import build_worker

from import build_splitter from import build_scenarios from import FeaturePreprocessor

from nuplan.planning.scenario_builder.abstract_scenario import AbstractScenario from nuplan.planning.scenario_builder.nuplan_db.nuplan_scenario import NuPlanScenario from import AbstractAugmentor from import ScenarioDataset from import FeaturePreprocessor from import FeaturesType, ScenarioListType, TargetsType

from import GenericAgents from import VectorSetMap from import Trajectory

from nuplan.planning.scenario_builder.abstract_scenario import AbstractScenario from nuplan.planning.simulation.trajectory.trajectory_sampling import TrajectorySampling from import EgoInternalIndex from nuplan.common.actor_state.ego_state import EgoState

from import ego_trajectory_target_builder

Location of path with all training configs

CONFIG_PATH = '../nuplan/planning/script/config/training' CONFIG_NAME = 'default_training'

Create a temporary directory to store the cache and experiment artifacts

SAVE_DIR = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / 'dataset' # optionally replace with persistent dir EXPERIMENT = 'training_vector_experiment' JOB_NAME = 'train' LOG_DIR = SAVE_DIR / EXPERIMENT / JOB_NAME

Initialize configuration management system

hydra.core.global_hydra.GlobalHydra.instance().clear() hydra.initialize(config_path=CONFIG_PATH)

cfg = hydra.compose(config_name=CONFIG_NAME, overrides=[ f'group={str(SAVE_DIR)}', f'cache.cache_path={str(SAVE_DIR)}/cache', f'experiment_name={EXPERIMENT}', f'job_name={JOB_NAME}', 'py_func=train', '+training=training_urban_driver_open_loop_model', 'scenario_builder=nuplan_mini', # use nuplan mini database 'scenario_filter=one_continuous_log', 'scenario_filter.limit_total_scenarios=3', 'lightning.trainer.params.accelerator=ddp_spawn', 'lightning.trainer.params.max_epochs=10', 'data_loader.params.batch_size=8', 'data_loader.params.num_workers=8',



@hydra.main(config_path=CONFIG_PATH, config_name=CONFIG_NAME) def train(cfg: DictConfig): """ Main entrypoint for training/validation experiments. :param cfg: omegaconf dictionary """

# Build worker
worker = build_worker(cfg)

model = build_torch_module_wrapper(cfg.model)

train_dataset = create_dataset(cfg, worker, model)
for data in train_dataset:

def create_dataset(cfg, worker, model): """ only support dataset_fraction=1.0 """ feature_builders = model.get_list_of_required_feature() target_builders = model.get_list_of_computed_target()

splitter = build_splitter(cfg.splitter)
scenarios = build_scenarios(cfg, worker, model)

feature_preprocessor = FeaturePreprocessor(
train_samples = splitter.get_train_samples(scenarios, worker)
train_dataset = NuplanDataset(
return train_dataset

class NuplanDataset(ScenarioDataset): def init(self, cfg, scenarios: List[AbstractScenario], feature_preprocessor: FeaturePreprocessor, augmentors: Optional[List[AbstractAugmentor]] = None) -> None: super().init(scenarios, feature_preprocessor, augmentors) self.cfg = cfg

    self.ego_trajectory_builder = EgoTrajectoryTargetBuilder(cfg.model.target_params.future_trajectory_sampling)

    self.num_future_poses = self.cfg.model.target_params.future_trajectory_sampling.num_poses
    self.future_time_horizon = self.cfg.model.target_params.future_trajectory_sampling.time_horizon

def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Tuple[FeaturesType, TargetsType, ScenarioListType]:
    Retrieves the dataset examples corresponding to the input index
    :param idx: input index
    :return: model features and targets
    scenario: NuPlanScenario = self._scenarios[idx]

    features, targets, _ = self._feature_preprocessor.compute_features(scenario)

    ### timestamps in seconds
    future_timestamps = [scenario.start_time] + list(
            iteration=0, num_samples=self.num_future_poses, time_horizon=self.future_time_horizon
    )  ### contains current timestamp
    future_timestamps = np.array([t.time_us for t in future_timestamps]) * 1e-6
    future_timestamps -= future_timestamps[0]
    future_timestamps = future_timestamps[1:]

    ### data with batch_size 1
    vector_set_map: VectorSetMap = features['vector_set_map']
    generic_agents: GenericAgents = features['generic_agents']
    ego_trajectory_origin: Trajectory = targets['trajectory']

    ego_trajectory_mine = self.ego_trajectory_builder.get_targets(scenario)

    vx_dataset = ego_trajectory_mine[:,3]
    vy_dataset = ego_trajectory_mine[:,4]
    vx_differential = np.diff(ego_trajectory_mine[:,0]) / np.diff(future_timestamps)
    vy_differential = np.diff(ego_trajectory_mine[:,1]) / np.diff(future_timestamps)

    print(f'index {idx} {scenario.scenario_name}-{scenario.scenario_type}:')
    print(f'  ego past origin is\n',, '\n')
    print(f'  ego past mine is\n', ego_trajectory_mine, '\n')
    print(f'  velocity vx from dataset: ', vx_dataset[1:])
    print(f'  velocity vx from differential: ', vx_differential)
    print(f'  error vx: ', np.abs(vx_dataset[1:] - vx_differential).mean())
    print(f'  velocity vy from dataset: ', vy_dataset[1:])
    print(f'  velocity vy from differential: ', vy_differential)
    print(f'  error vy: ', np.abs(vy_dataset[1:] - vy_differential).mean())

    ### vis
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig = plt.figure()
    gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 4)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :])
    ax.set_title(f'index {idx} {scenario.scenario_name}-{scenario.scenario_type}: x-y plot')
    ax.plot(ego_trajectory_mine[:,0], ego_trajectory_mine[:,1], '-')

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
    ax.set_title('t-x plot')
    ax.plot(future_timestamps, ego_trajectory_mine[:,0], '-')

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
    ax.set_title('t-y plot')
    ax.plot(future_timestamps, ego_trajectory_mine[:,1], '-')

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2])
    ax.set_title('t-vx plot')
    ax.plot(future_timestamps[1:], vx_dataset[1:], '-', label='dataset')
    ax.plot(future_timestamps[1:], vx_differential, '-', label='differential')

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 3])
    ax.set_title('t-vx plot')
    ax.plot(future_timestamps[1:], vy_dataset[1:], '-', label='dataset')
    ax.plot(future_timestamps[1:], vy_differential, '-', label='differential')

    features = {key: value.to_feature_tensor() for key, value in features.items()}
    targets = {key: value.to_feature_tensor() for key, value in targets.items()}
    scenarios = [scenario]

    return features, targets, scenarios

class EgoTrajectoryTargetBuilder(ego_trajectory_target_builder.EgoTrajectoryTargetBuilder): def get_targets(self, scenario: AbstractScenario) -> Trajectory: """ ego pose is global, ego velocity is local """

    current_absolute_state: EgoState = scenario.initial_ego_state
    trajectory_absolute_states = scenario.get_ego_future_trajectory(
        iteration=0, num_samples=self._num_future_poses, time_horizon=self._time_horizon
    absolute_states = [state for state in trajectory_absolute_states]

    absolute_trajectory = np.zeros((len(absolute_states), EgoInternalIndex.dim()), dtype=np.float64)  ### (x, y, heading, vx, vy, ax, ay)
    for i, absolute_state in enumerate(absolute_states):
        absolute_trajectory[i, EgoInternalIndex.x()] = absolute_state.rear_axle.x
        absolute_trajectory[i, EgoInternalIndex.y()] = absolute_state.rear_axle.y
        absolute_trajectory[i, EgoInternalIndex.heading()] = absolute_state.rear_axle.heading
        absolute_trajectory[i, EgoInternalIndex.vx()] = absolute_state.dynamic_car_state.rear_axle_velocity_2d.x
        absolute_trajectory[i, EgoInternalIndex.vy()] = absolute_state.dynamic_car_state.rear_axle_velocity_2d.y
        absolute_trajectory[i,] = absolute_state.dynamic_car_state.rear_axle_acceleration_2d.x
        absolute_trajectory[i, EgoInternalIndex.ay()] = absolute_state.dynamic_car_state.rear_axle_acceleration_2d.y

    if len(absolute_trajectory) != self._num_future_poses:
        raise RuntimeError(f'Expected {self._num_future_poses} num poses but got {len(absolute_trajectory)}')

    state0 = current_absolute_state.rear_axle.serialize()

    local_pose = world2local(absolute_trajectory[:, [EgoInternalIndex.x(), EgoInternalIndex.y(), EgoInternalIndex.heading()]], state0)
    local_velocity = absolute_trajectory[:, [EgoInternalIndex.vx(), EgoInternalIndex.vy(), EgoInternalIndex.heading()]]
    local_acceleration = absolute_trajectory[:, [, EgoInternalIndex.ay(), EgoInternalIndex.heading()]]

    local_trajectory = np.zeros(absolute_trajectory.shape, dtype=np.float32)
    local_trajectory[:, EgoInternalIndex.x()] = local_pose[:, 0]
    local_trajectory[:, EgoInternalIndex.y()] = local_pose[:, 1]
    local_trajectory[:, EgoInternalIndex.heading()] = local_pose[:, 2]
    local_trajectory[:, EgoInternalIndex.vx()] = local_velocity[:, 0]
    local_trajectory[:, EgoInternalIndex.vy()] = local_velocity[:, 1]
    local_trajectory[:,] = local_acceleration[:, 0]
    local_trajectory[:, EgoInternalIndex.ay()] = local_acceleration[:, 1]

    return local_trajectory

def world2local(state, state0): ''' state (array): (n, 3), 3 -> (x, y, heading) state0: (3,), 3 -> (x, y, heading) '''

x_world, y_world, theta_world = state[:,0], state[:,1], state[:,2]
x0, y0, theta0 = state0[0], state0[1], state0[2]

x_local = (x_world-x0)*np.cos(theta0) + (y_world-y0)*np.sin(theta0)
y_local =-(x_world-x0)*np.sin(theta0) + (y_world-y0)*np.cos(theta0)
delta_theta = pi2pi_numpy(theta_world - theta0)
return np.stack([x_local, y_local, delta_theta], axis=1)

def pi2pi_numpy(theta): return (theta + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi


2. Simply run `python`

### Explanation

Bug1 is straightforward, for Bug2, my code visualizes ego future trajectory (`8s` with interval `0.1s`) in 3 scenarios.
- scenario 0:

- scenario 1:

- scenario 2:

In each 't-vx' and 't-vy' plot, blue line is from the dataset, orange line is calculated by difference of pose (for instance, `vx[i] = (x[i] - x[i-1]) / dt`). Clearly,  difference is an inaccurate way to calculate velocity. However, from these figs, one can find that the trend of velocity vx from difference aligns with that from dataset, while vy fails to match, meaning that ego vy is wrong.
zhangdongkun98 commented 1 year ago

Hi @christopher-motional , can you help me fix this?

christopher-motional commented 1 year ago

Hi @zhangdongkun98, yes, sorry for the delay --thanks for the catch, those do indeed sound like bugs, will confirm and aim to get a fix up shortly.

zhangdongkun98 commented 1 year ago

Hi @zhangdongkun98, yes, sorry for the delay --thanks for the catch, those do indeed sound like bugs, will confirm and aim to get a fix up shortly.

Thanks for your reply!

MTDzi commented 11 months ago

@christopher-motional I was curious to learn if you managed to confirm / deny these are indeed bugs.

Zigned commented 3 months ago

I think the vy you calculated is in the local frame at the initial iteration. However, the EgoState stores dynamic states in the local frame at each iteration. Therefore, the lateral velocity of the ego vehicle is small even when changing lanes. Remind the non-holonomic constraint of vehicles. But the vy in the dataset still seems wrong because it is always negative (-0.15~-0.20).