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A web frontend for the motion daemon.
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MotionEyeOS doesn't start after a power cycle if network is down #1610

Closed lmarceg closed 4 years ago

lmarceg commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have a RaspBerry Pi3b running apcupsd (I will call it RB) and another Raspberry Pi3b running MotionEyeOS (I will call it ME) In the doshutdown script of the apcupsd script, I ssh the ME, stop the MotionEye server and poweroff; I also shutdown RB and kill the power to the USB. When power comes up, my RB power-cycles fine and I can SSH into it; while my ME has the red light on, the amber light flashing (so it went up, in a way), but I cannot SSH into it and the server does not respond. If I unplug and replug the power again, it will start working fine. I see two boot entries (the failed one and the right one), which are copied here:

---- booting motionEyeOS dev20190820 ----
 * Detecting disk device: /dev/mmcblk0
 * Mounting filesystems: done
 * Loading kernel modules: done
 * Setting hostname: done
 * Configuring CPU frequency: done
 * Starting syslogd: done
 * Starting throttle watcher: done
 * Starting eudev: done
 * Starting watchdog: done
 * Starting rngd: done
 * Configuring wired network: no link
 * Setting current date using http: failed
 * Starting http date updater: done
 * Starting crond: done
 * Starting sshd: done
 * Starting proftpd: done
 * Starting smbd: done
 * Starting nmbd: done
 * Starting motioneye: done
 * Executing user init script: bin boot data dev etc home lib lib32 libexec linuxrc lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin sys tmp usr var
bin boot data dev etc home lib lib32 libexec linuxrc lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin sys tmp usr var
---- booting motionEyeOS dev20190820 ----
 * Detecting disk device: /dev/mmcblk0
 * Mounting filesystems: done
 * Loading kernel modules: done
 * Setting hostname: done
 * Configuring CPU frequency: done
 * Starting syslogd: done
 * Starting throttle watcher: done
 * Starting eudev: done
 * Starting watchdog: done
 * Starting rngd: done
 * Configuring wired network: dhcp
 * Setting current date using http: Mon Jan 13 12:24:47 CET 2020
 * Starting http date updater: done
 * Starting crond: done
 * Starting sshd: done
 * Starting proftpd: done
 * Starting smbd: done
 * Starting nmbd: done
 * Starting motioneye: done
 * Executing user init script: bin boot data dev etc home lib lib32 libexec linuxrc lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin sys tmp usr var
bin boot data dev etc home lib lib32 libexec linuxrc lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin sys tmp usr var
 # Interface eth0 has IP address
 # Default gateway is
 # DNS server address is

As you see, in the first boot attempt ME has issues in getting an IP address. This is correct because my router is still coming up; in the second attempt, everything is OK and I can access the system.

Can this be the issue? I am using DHCP and I am telling the router to assign a specific IP Address, but maybe if I configure a static IP Address on the ME, this could solve the issue?

Thanks for helping!

lmarceg commented 4 years ago

Closing this because I wanted to post the problem in the MotionEyeOS forum