Objective: To store and retrieve past interactions with the AI, allowing the AI to refer back to previous discussions for context.
Database Storage: Use a database like PostgreSQL (since you're already using Supabase) to store the chat history. Each interaction can be stored with a timestamp and relevant metadata.
Retrieval Mechanism: Implement a mechanism to query past interactions based on context or keywords.
Implementation Steps:
Set Up the Database: Create a table in PostgreSQL to store chat interactions.
CREATE TABLE chat_history (
user_id VARCHAR(50),
message TEXT,
response TEXT,
Store Interactions: Modify your chat application to store each interaction in the database.
// Example using Supabase client in TypeScript
const { data, error } = await supabase
{ user_id: 'user123', message: userMessage, response: aiResponse }
Retrieve Past Interactions: Implement a function to fetch relevant past interactions.
1. Storing Discussions as Persistent Memory
Objective: To store and retrieve past interactions with the AI, allowing the AI to refer back to previous discussions for context.
Implementation Steps:
Set Up the Database: Create a table in PostgreSQL to store chat interactions.
Store Interactions: Modify your chat application to store each interaction in the database.
Retrieve Past Interactions: Implement a function to fetch relevant past interactions.