moveit / moveit2

:robot: MoveIt for ROS 2
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CollisionObject added with Moveit_cpp gets ignored at motion planning #747

Closed NebuDa closed 1 year ago

NebuDa commented 3 years ago


I have built a node to add collision Boxes to the scene, but after adding it, like in the tutorial, the Robot moves through the box instead of around it. When I move and Publish the Collision Box from code manually in RViz, then it is working. Do I have to publish the Boxes inside the code, is my launch File wrong or is there a Bug in moveit_cpp?

In scene Objects is shown only one Box, but in the scene appear both. Deleting the entry let dissapear both Boxes. image

Your environment

Steps to reproduce

Install ROS2_UR_Driver add new Package with node (see code below)

Backtrace or Console output

Code Copied and Changed Launchfile from Driver to add own node (only changes or relevant parts):

 planning_scene_monitor_parameters = {
        "publish_planning_scene": True,
        "publish_geometry_updates": True,
        "publish_state_updates": True,
        "publish_transforms_updates": True,
#Insert own Nodes
    create_scene = Node(
            #planning_scene_monitor_parameters, still deactivated

own Node C++ (relevant Part):

// Initialize MoveItCpp
  auto tf_buffer = std::make_shared<tf2_ros::Buffer>(nh->get_clock(), tf2::durationFromSec(10.0));
  auto moveit_cpp = std::make_shared<moveit_cpp::MoveItCpp>(nh, moveit_cpp_options, tf_buffer);
 // A little delay before adding collision Objects

// Create collision object, planning shouldn't be too easy
  RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "!!!!! Create Collision Object.");
  moveit_msgs::msg::CollisionObject collision_object;
  collision_object.header.frame_id = "base"; = "box";

  //Definition Box1
  shape_msgs::msg::SolidPrimitive box;
  box.type = box.BOX;
  box.dimensions = { 0.5, 0.1, 0.4 };
  geometry_msgs::msg::Pose box_pose;
  box_pose.position.x = 0.0;
  box_pose.position.y = 0.5;
  box_pose.position.z = 0.8;

  //Definition Box2
  shape_msgs::msg::SolidPrimitive box2;
  box2.type = box2.BOX;
  box2.dimensions = { 1.0, 0.1, 0.4 };
  geometry_msgs::msg::Pose box_pose2;
  box_pose2.position.x = 0.0;
  box_pose2.position.y = -0.5;
  box_pose2.position.z = 0.2;

  //Hinzufügen der Boxen zu collision_object
  collision_object.operation = collision_object.ADD;  //Auslassen dieser Zeile ändert anscheinend nichts
  collision_object.operation = collision_object.ADD;  //Auslassen dieser Zeile ändert anscheinend nichts
  RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "!!!!! Collision Objects planted.");

  // Add object to planning scene
  {  // Lock PlanningScene
    planning_scene_monitor::LockedPlanningSceneRW scene(moveit_cpp->getPlanningSceneMonitor());
    RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "!!!!! Objects added to Scene.");
  }  // Unlock PlanningScene
JensVanhooydonck commented 3 years ago

You have created only one collision object with multiple primitive objects. I think you will need to create multiple collision objects, whit each collision object only one primitive and one primitive_pose.

v4hn commented 3 years ago

You have created only one collision object with multiple primitive objects. I think you will need to create multiple collision objects, whit each collision object only one primitive and one primitive_pose.

I did not look at this bug at all, but just respond to this message:

As always there might be bugs somewhere, but it's perfectly fine to add multiple collision shapes to a single object and these should not be ignored anywhere.

JensVanhooydonck commented 3 years ago

You have created only one collision object with multiple primitive objects. I think you will need to create multiple collision objects, whit each collision object only one primitive and one primitive_pose. I did not look at this bug at all, but just respond to this message: As always there might be bugs somewhere, but it's perfectly fine to add multiple collision shapes to a single object and these should not be ignored anywhere.

Indeed, my reply only answers part of the question: In scene Objects is shown only one Box, but in the scene appear both. Deleting the entry let dissapear both Boxes.

NebuDa commented 3 years ago

@v4hn @JensVanhooydonck thanks for your responses. Any suggestions to my problem / bug?

NebuDa commented 3 years ago

I have started working on it again, and changed some parts of the code. But the bug still exists. When I move the Boxes a little bit in RViz and publish them again it works, otherwise not.

int boxcounter = 0;
moveit_msgs::msg::CollisionObject addBox(double x, double y, double z, double posX, double posY, double posZ)
  moveit_msgs::msg::CollisionObject tmpColObject;
  tmpColObject.header.frame_id = "base"; = "box" + std::to_string(boxcounter++);
  //Definition Box1
  shape_msgs::msg::SolidPrimitive box;
  box.type = box.BOX;
  box.dimensions = { x, y, z };
  geometry_msgs::msg::Pose box_pose;
  box_pose.position.x = posX;
  box_pose.position.y = posY;
  box_pose.position.z = posZ;
  return tmpColObject;
 //Liste mit Kollisionsobjekten
  std::vector<moveit_msgs::msg::CollisionObject> collisionObjects;

  collisionObjects.push_back(addBox(0.5, 0.1, 0.4,0.0,0.8,0.8));
  RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "Box 1 created");
  collisionObjects.push_back(addBox(0.5, 0.1, 0.4,0.0,1.2,0.8));
  RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "Box 2 created");
  collisionObjects.push_back(addBox(0.5, 0.1, 0.4,0.0,1.6,0.8));
  RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "Box 3 created");

  // Add objects to planning scene
  {  // Lock PlanningScene
    planning_scene_monitor::LockedPlanningSceneRW scene(moveit_cpp->getPlanningSceneMonitor());
    for(int i =0; i<collisionObjects.size(); i++)
      RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "Object No. " + std::to_string(i) + "added to Scene.");  
    RCLCPP_INFO(LOGGER, "All Objects added to Scene.");
  }  // Unlock PlanningScene

Is there a way to activate the publishing from code? Or is there another way to tell planning_scene_monitor::LockedPlanningSceneRW scene to publish it?

JensVanhooydonck commented 3 years ago

When I publish my collision object to the '/colission_object' topic, it works for me, when applying a scene with Diff = True, it does not work. Maybe this is the same issue?

henningkayser commented 1 year ago

I think this has been fixed a while ago. Please report back if this still exists on Humble or Rolling