mozilla / tippy-top-sites-deprecated

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Tippy Top Sites

Build Status

This repo is meant to provide a hand curated set of icons, colors, and titles for use in Activity Stream. It is meant as a temporary solution to ugly data. We should do something much better very soon.


npm install tippy-top-sites


You must first install dependencies with npm install.


npm start           Runs a preview server at http://localhost:8080
npm test            Runs tests.
npm version [type]  Create a tag for release

Tagging a release

In order to create a release, you must create a tag by running:

npm version [type]

Where [type] is one of patch, minor, or major. This will run tests, bump the version number in package.json, and push the tag to GitHub.

When this is done, travis will automatically publish the new version to npm.