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No hover responses on dhall-haskell in windows #32

Open fendor opened 4 years ago

fendor commented 4 years ago

Hi, i've experienced some hangs testing this pr within dhall-haskell project:

  • Opening the project with vscode and hie master works (not with all files but it does with ./dhall/src/Dhall.hs)
  • When using this branch the load of cradle finishes but hover on any term (or any other action involving hie) is unreponsive: the log is here (including the hover request and the cancellation)
  • Testing hie-bios on the project without explicit hie.yaml works: see

Originally posted by @jneira in

cc @jneira

mpickering commented 4 years ago

Did you test this yourself @fendor?

fendor commented 4 years ago

Yes, but I can not reproduce. Cloning dhall-haskell with hie.yaml


works for me.

jneira commented 4 years ago

Maybe it is a specific behaviour in windows, i've experienced it in win 7 and 10, with both the hie-bios and the cabal-helper-helper branches, using an explicit cradle like fendor's one and without it .

It works in simple stack projects, though.

jneira commented 4 years ago

I've setup a simple cabal/stack multipackage project: and i've done an extensive testing


    - path: ./package1/
            component: "lib:package1"
    - path: ./package1/
            component: "package1:example-test" # test:example-test doesn't work
    - path: ./package1/
            component: "exe:package1"
    - path: ./package2/
            component: "lib:package2"
    - path: ./package2/
            component: "package2:example-test" # test:example-test doesn't work
    - path: ./package2/
            component: "exe:package1"
jneira commented 4 years ago

After the previous tests i've tested again dhall-haskell

jneira commented 4 years ago

Ok, ive just tested again with the latest hie-bios and the behaviour is the same: the cradle seems to finish but hover hangs showing Loading :worried: Maybe it has too much modules (38)?

mpickering commented 4 years ago

No, 38 is certainly not too many. It works fine with GHC for example. It the previous log you posted still accurate?

fendor commented 4 years ago

If that was too many modules, then the branch would be unacceptable! On Linux, hie is responsive on the project

jneira commented 4 years ago

I've tested to load the subproject dhall-haskell/dhall, forcing hie to use it as project root dir creating a cabal.project inside and the behaviour is still the same :thinking:

jneira commented 4 years ago

I've tested dhall-haskell/dhall-yaml and it works correctly...

jneira commented 4 years ago

I've tested opening the project with persist-virtual-fix and fixing the keys of VFS, tracing the lookups over the VFS and the execution get stuck here:

2019-12-01 00:51:34.2444094 [ThreadId 4] - <--2--{"jsonrpc":"2.0","params":{"value":{"kind":"report","percentage":1,"message":"Dhall.Main"},"token":0},"method":"$/progress"}
2019-12-01 00:51:34.2773866 [ThreadId 47] - Cradle set succesfully
2019-12-01 00:51:34.2793857 [ThreadId 47] - persistVirtualFile': uri: Uri {getUri = "file:///D:/dev/ws/dhall/dhall-haskell/dhall/src/Dhall.hs"}

Being the traces:

persistVirtualFile' :: Core.LspFuncs Config -> Uri -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
persistVirtualFile' lf uri = do
  infoM "hie" $ "persistVirtualFile': uri: " ++ show uri
  fp <- Core.persistVirtualFileFunc lf (toNormalizedUri uri)
  infoM "hie" $ "persistVirtualFile': fp: " ++ show fp
  return fp

So the execution seems to hang in Core.persistVirtualFileFunc. 🤔

jneira commented 4 years ago

I've added more traces to haskell-lsp vfs and the execution reach the write of the file:

2019-12-01 16:26:17.0113298 [ThreadId 49] - persistVirtualFile': uri: Uri {getUri = "file:///D:/dev/ws/dhall/dhall-haskell/dhall/src/Dhall.hs"}
2019-12-01 16:26:17.0113298 [ThreadId 49] - persistVirtualFile:NormalizedUri "file:///D:/dev/ws/dhall/dhall-haskell/dhall/src/Dhall.hs"
2019-12-01 16:26:17.0123296 [ThreadId 49] - persistFileVFS: uri = NormalizedUri "file:///D:/dev/ws/dhall/dhall-haskell/dhall/src/Dhall.hs", virtual file name = "C:\\TEMP\\haskell-lsp13000\\-1466182975-0-Dhall.hs.hs"
2019-12-01 16:26:17.0123296 [ThreadId 49] - persistFileVFS: temp file does not exist, writing file

The function traced is persistFileVFS:

-- | Write a virtual file to a temporary file if it exists in the VFS.
persistFileVFS :: VFS -> J.NormalizedUri -> Maybe (FilePath, IO ())
persistFileVFS vfs uri =
  case Map.lookup uri (vfsMap vfs) of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just vf ->
      let tfn = virtualFileName (vfsTempDir vfs) uri vf
          action = do
            logm $ B.pack $ "persistFileVFS: uri = " ++ show uri ++ ", virtual file name = " ++ show tfn
            exists <- doesFileExist tfn
            unless exists $ do 
              logm $ "persistFileVFS: temp file does not exist, writing file"
              writeFile tfn (Rope.toString (_text vf))
      in Just (tfn, action)

But i dont see persistVirtualFile': fp: path\to\temp\file so i assume the execution hangs in Dhall.Lsp.Core.persistVirtualFile, where afaiu the write of the file is just at the end 🤔

fendor commented 4 years ago

@jneira does this still happen?

jneira commented 4 years ago

I am afraid it still does. I tested it just after merging hie-bios and with my actual version which is not last master. I'll test with it just in case.

jneira commented 4 years ago

I've tested it with master (072ff7f) and i least i've got an error message (not sure if it was logged before):

2019-12-29 20:50:55.9845886 [ThreadId 52] - Cradle set succesfully
2019-12-29 20:50:55.9875878 [ThreadId 52] - haskell-lsp:persistFileVFS: Writing virtual file: uri = NormalizedUri "file:///D:/dev/ws/dhall/dhall-haskell/dhall/src/Dhall/Core.hs", virtual file = "C:\\TEMP\\haskell-lsp1056\\Core.hs-00000--2147427451.hs"
2019-12-29 20:50:56.0075737 [ThreadId 26] - Scheduler thread exited unexpectedly: C:\TEMP\haskell-lsp1056\Core.hs-00000--2147427451.hs: commitBuffer: invalid argument (invalid character)

Inspecting the vfs file we can observe that it is truncated just in this line: That line has the first occurence of a utf-8 non ascii char ⊦, so it seems to be the main suspect

fendor commented 4 years ago

wow... that is awesome, right? You found a major clue. Is that the same issue repeatedly?

jneira commented 4 years ago

Yeah, i hope there will not be another hidden problem. I can reproduce it in a simple project simply adding a non-ascii char in the source file.

fendor commented 4 years ago

wait, in the source file? Ugh. Must be a haskell-lsp issue right? cc @alanz, @bubba

jneira commented 4 years ago

Yeah, the issue is triggered when the haskell source file has an unicode char in it. The client is sending the file correctly i think:

2019-12-29 21:16:07.7434497 [ThreadId 3] - ---> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///d%3A/dev/ws/haskell/cabal-test/src/Lib.hs","languageId":"haskell","version":1,"text":"module Lib where\r\nimport qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS\r\n{--\r\n> ⊦ Type : Kind\r\n--}\r\ntest :: BS.ByteString\r\ntest = BS.pack \"Hello Haskell\"\r\n\r\ntest2 :: [a]\r\ntest2 = ([])"}}}