mpstark / DynamicCam

A more dynamic camera for World of Warcraft.
MIT License
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Dragonriding (Flying) Fade Out UI error only when Immersion enabled and "Keep additional frames" is ticked #87

Closed Flashychunk closed 8 months ago

Flashychunk commented 8 months ago

Hi there,

Love your addon, i've been trying to get fade out UI to work when keeping certain UI elements.

I've noticed that its perfectly fine without Immersion enabled or any dialog changing addon, all the Excluded UI elements section works.

But with Immersion and DynamicCam only being enabled, it causes there to be countless errors when "Keep Additional Frames" is enabled but the frame box is blank. Even with specific frames the errors are the same.

This is the lua error i get, wondered if there is any guidance around this, as I'm just trying to enable in the "Keep Additional Frames" section SuperTrackedFrame (World indicator pin) while flying.

Message: Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/UiHideModule.lua:649: table index is nil Time: Mon Nov 20 20:02:23 2023 Count: 831 Stack: Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/UiHideModule.lua:649: table index is nil [string "@Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/UiHideModule.lua"]:649: in function <Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/UiHideModule.lua:623> [string "@Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/UiHideModule.lua"]:978: in function HideUI' [string "@Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/Core.lua"]:546: in functionFadeOutUI' [string "@Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/SituationManager.lua"]:620: in function ChangeSituation' [string "@Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/SituationManager.lua"]:852: in functionEvaluateSituations' [string "@Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/Core.lua"]:97: in function <Interface/AddOns/DynamicCam/Core.lua:90> Locals: frame = GossipFrame { 0 = SetInteractionIsContinuing = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:225 SetPortraitShown = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:102 GetTitleText = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:28 SetPortraitTexCoord = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:98 tutorialButtons =

{ } SetPortraitTextureRaw = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:84 OnShow = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:176 AvailableQuestButtonInit = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:129 SetTitleMaxLinesAndHeight = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:49 SetTitleColor = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:32 ludius_alreadyOnIt = "DynamicCam" HandleShow = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:54 FriendshipStatusBar = StatusBar { } GreetingPanel = Frame { } SetTitle = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:36 SetTitleFormatted = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:40 SetTitleOffsets = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:54 Inset = GossipFrameInset { } CloseButton = GossipFrameCloseButton { } TopTileStreaks = Texture { } SetGossipTitle = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:300 SetBorder = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:67 layoutType = "PortraitFrameTemplate" TitleContainer = Frame { } PortraitContainer = Frame { } SetFrameLevelsFromBaseLevel = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:120 SetPortraitToBag = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:80 SetPortraitAtlasRaw = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:88 SetPortraitToUnit = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:76 Background = Texture { } Bg = GossipFrameBg { } SetPortraitToClassIcon = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:92 GetPortrait = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:63 UpdateScrollBox = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:136 NineSlice = Frame { } OnLoad = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:49 OnHide = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:183 SetPortraitToAsset = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:72 SetPortraitTextureSizeAndOffset = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:106 Update = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:247 SortOrder = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:89 HandleHide = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:218 SelectGossipOption = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrameShared.lua:230 OnEvent = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:73 SetGossipTutorialMode = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:79 GetBackgroundTexture = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua:62 GetTutorialButtons = defined @Interface/FrameXML/GossipFrame.lua

LudiusMaximus commented 8 months ago

Thank you very much! Fixed with version 2.5.3.