mrchandoo / cordova-plugin-decimal-keyboard

Cordova plugin to show decimal keyboard on iPhones
Apache License 2.0
37 stars 71 forks source link

Not working with cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine #2

Closed CooleyGit closed 7 years ago

CooleyGit commented 7 years ago

Just tried to run it and got error at the line below guessing its because im using wkwebview?

int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, @"AppDelegate"); 

This is a much needed plugin thanks for taking the time to build it. Let me know if you need more feedback or testing if you get it running in wkwebview.

mrchandoo commented 7 years ago

@CooleyGit the above piece of code is not from the plugin and this plugin is not tested on wkwebview.

i will try to do a sample with wkwebview and let you know.

CooleyGit commented 7 years ago

Cool thanks, not sure what was causing it then this was the only error I was seeing in Xcode.

mrchandoo commented 7 years ago

@CooleyGit i have tested it with the below plugins cordova-plugin-decimal-keyboard 1.0 "Decimal Keyboard" cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine 1.1.3 "Cordova WKWebView Engine" ios@4.0.0 and it is working fine

mrchandoo commented 7 years ago

Unable to reproduce the issue

CooleyGit commented 7 years ago

Sorry I should have provided more context im using ionic 2 well ionic 3.1.1 and have tried almost everything to get it to work but no luck. Can you provide a more detailed example of how this plugin should be used?

mrchandoo commented 7 years ago

Please remove the plugin from your command using cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-decimal-keyboard build your cordova app to see if you get the same issue, if you get the same issue then i think there is no issue with the plugin but some problem with you code. good luck.

CooleyGit commented 7 years ago

Thanks, but I removed this plugin from my app as soon as I added it and it crashed my app... Then I created a blank Ionic app with a single input and your plugin. App crashes when the input is focused so it seems to be your plugin is not compatible with ionic anyway thanks for taking the time ill just have to figure something else out for now.

hvaughan3 commented 6 years ago

FWIW this is still an issue. Using the latest versions both plugins and the latest plain jane Cordova

cordova-plugin-decimal-keyboard 1.0 cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine 1.1.4

After installing both libraries and launching the app, clicking into an input field that does not use the decimal plugin (so it is just a plain old <input/> element) causes the app to crash.