mrcrowl / vscode-easy-less

Easy LESS extension for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Exclude single less file from project settings.json? #80

Open jjnxpct opened 3 years ago

jjnxpct commented 3 years ago

We have set up a workflow that combines several template lees files to a single 'main.css' template file. We use this in the settings.json in .vscode:

{ "less.compile": { "main" : "main.less", "out": "..\css\main.css", "compress": true, "autoprefixer": "last 2 versions" } }

This works great. But we nog would like to exclude one less file from this setup an have it compile to less with the same name and in the same folder as the less file.

I have read we could set "out" in settings.json to 'false' and the set the all out values on the separate less files, but I would like to do it the other way around.

When i add '// out: custom_css.css' in the 'custom_css.less' file I get an error because the less compiler uses the project settings and tries to compile this less file to the main.css file.

I think the project settings overrule the per-file settings?

Is there a way to 'force' the compiler to use the per-file settings first? Or is there a way to exclude a specific file in the settings.json from being processed?

Hope I made myself clear ;-)