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GLTFLoader: Don't duplicate vertex buffers when loading triangle fans and strips #27926

Open ericman314 opened 5 months ago

ericman314 commented 5 months ago


For some GLTF files like the one in this discussion, there are a large number of primitives which share vertex data.

The GLTF loader uses toTrianglesDrawMode() to convert triangle fans and triangle strips into regular triangles. The issue is that it clones the geometry, including the entire array buffer:

This means that for inefficient files like oval.gltf (see link above), it creates nearly 10K copies of the vertex array buffer. The GLTF file has just 1.3 MB of vertex data, but the browser uses about 9 GB just to load the GLTF.


I noticed that for primitives that use regular triangles, the array buffers are not duplicated, but are shared among all the geometries that use the same buffer in the GLTF file. As a proof of concept, I modified toTriangleDrawMode in this way:

    // build final geometry

    const newGeometry = geometry.clone()

    // Replace each attribute's array with the original array, and let GC clean up the new arrays that were just created by .clone()
    for (const key in newGeometry.attributes) {
      newGeometry.attributes[key].array = geometry.attributes[key].array // use original array

    return newGeometry

After cloning the geometry, it resets the new array back to the original, and allows GC to clean up the cloned arrays. Obviously, a better solution would be to avoid cloning the array buffer in the first place.

This does not stop Three.js from uploading the array buffers to the GPU separately, so it's still going to waste the same of memory on the GPU, but at least the RAM usage will be much lower. I believe this issue discusses this problem in more detail:


Naturally, I've tried optimizing the GLTF file using both gltfpack and gltf-transform. And although both of those do work, they end up taking just as much memory to do the optimization. Reducing the number of primitives (and thus, draw calls) would definitely be the ideal solution, but I cannot control the generation of the GLTF files, since they are uploaded by users on a website.

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takahirox commented 5 months ago

I think it's nice if attribute (= WebGL buffer) can be shared among geometries. I don't really remember but like according to the codes below, currently attributes are not allowed to be shared among geometries, are they?

In #17089 we were thinking of shared buffers with different parameters and the change became complex. But, I haven't deeply thought yet, can't just shared attributes (so same parameters) be implemented much easier with reference counter without API change and be good start?

Perhaps I guess we don't really want to make an effort for WebGL right now because we want to spend more time for WebGPU (this is just my guess) but small changes would be acceptable?

Any thoughts on WebGL shared buffer support? @mrdoob @Mugen87 @donmccurdy I'm willing to work on it and fix this issue if it sounds good.

donmccurdy commented 5 months ago

I've added some debugging output to glTF Transform, to calculate the effective "vertex count" in a few different ways:

gltf-transform inspect oval.gltf --format md
render render-optimistic upload upload-optimistic
73,166 64,407 386,437,472 38,924

See definitions for each vertex count method. The "upload" vertex count is what we upload to the GPU today, to my understanding. And "upload-optimistic" is what could be uploaded ideally, either by attribute or by interleaved buffer.

Big difference on this model – 386,437,472 vertices if we upload attributes per-geometry (current), only 38,924 if we upload attributes individually or per by interleaved buffer. Lot of draw calls either way. :)

... can't just shared attributes (so same parameters) be implemented much easier ...

Perhaps! I'm not sure how simple this is compared to, but I'm open to it. We'd need to think about what to do with interleaved buffers — both gltfpack and gltf-transform will interleave vertex data by default. I'm not sure how much binding and unbinding buffers in WebGL costs us in performance, but for models that don't reuse attributes in this way (probably more common) we don't want a performance regression there.

Naturally, I've tried optimizing the GLTF file using both gltfpack and gltf-transform. And although both of those do work, they end up taking just as much memory to do the optimization.

I'm fairly optimistic I can reduce the memory cost of optimizing this model in glTF Transform dramatically, if that helps anyone. Tracking this in

takahirox commented 5 months ago

I would like to try shared WebGL buffers (shared attributes) first. Shared Interleaved buffers would be based on it even if we would support shared interleaved buffers with different parameters.

donmccurdy commented 4 months ago

Naturally, I've tried optimizing the GLTF file using both gltfpack and gltf-transform. And although both of those do work, they end up taking just as much memory to do the optimization.

This turned out to be a very useful sample for optimizing different steps in gltf-transform, so thank you for sharing it! I was able to significantly reduce the time and memory cost of optimizing similar files in gltf-transform ...

> gltf-transform optimize ~/Downloads/oval.gltf ~/Desktop/oval+opt.glb

✔ dedup                731ms
✔ instance             1ms
✔ palette              27ms
✔ flatten              1ms
✔ join                 1,115ms
✔ weld                 23ms
✔ simplify             26ms
✔ resample             0ms
✔ prune                0ms
✔ sparse               9ms
✔ textureCompress      0ms
✔ meshopt              40ms

info: oval.gltf (4.78 MB) → oval+opt.glb (197.54 KB)

With that optimization it's reduced to ~30,000 vertices uploaded to the GPU, and 1 draw call. But the optimization time is still, perhaps, slower than you'd want to do at runtime in the browser without a Web Worker. This requires gltf-transform v4, currently in alpha release, which can be installed with npm install --global @gltf-transform/cli@next

I'm definitely 100% supportive of @takahirox's suggestion for supporting better sharing of vertex buffers across geometries. However, I think there's one more parallel thing we could consider adding here —

if ( geometry.index.count < geometry.attributes.position.count / 2 ) {

  warnOnce( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: One or more meshes draw <50% of their vertices. Compacting.' );

  geometry = BufferGeometryUtils.toCompact( geometry );


The (proposed) implementation of BufferGeometryUtils.toCompact would be almost identical to what you see in compact-primitive.ts, just adapted to the THREE.BufferGeometry/BufferAttribute APIs. The implementation requires no changes for triangle fans, triangle strips, line loops, line strips, etc.

Any preferences on adding that?