mrfaisalrizal / modules

Modules package for the Laravel & Lumen framework
MIT License
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Clone from Caffeinated Modules

Tokolabs Modules

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Tokolabs Modules is a simple package to allow the means to separate your Lumen 5.6 application out into modules. Each module is completely self-contained allowing the ability to simply drop a module in for use.

The package follows the FIG standards PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP code.


You will find user friendly and updated documentation in the wiki here: Caffeinated Modules Wiki

Quick Installation

Begin by installing the package through Composer.

composer require faisalrizal/modules

Once this operation is complete, simply add both the service provider and facade classes to your project's bootstrap/app.php file:

For Laravel

Service Provider

Add the following service provider in config/app.php.

'providers' => [

Next, add the following aliases to aliases array in the same file.

'aliases' => [
  'Module' => Tokolabs\Modules\Facades\Module::class,

Next publish the package's configuration file by run :

php artisan vendor:publish

For Lumen

Service Provider



$app->withFacades(true, [Tokolabs\Modules\Facades\Module::class => 'Module']);

And that's it! With your coffee in reach, start building out some awesome modules!

Add Module
