Closed kenneth-bolivar-castro closed 6 years ago
I don't think this is the best approach, because I want individual components to be able to define where their main component path is in their info file without having to write any PHP. So using hook_component_info_alter() is not desirable.
I'd prefer to see a solution to the bug that still allows the component's .info.yml file to define its own path to the component.
@mrjmd I see what you mean, then we should define extension based on development mode neither default component path or hard-coded from YAML info file,
It means, we could setup path pair value within YAML info file like this,
name: NG2 Example
machine_name: ng2-example-1
type: pdb
description: 'NG 2 Example Component 1'
package: NG2
version: '1.0.0'
core: '8.x'
module_status: active
presentation: ng2
path: modules/contrib/pdb/modules/pdb_ng2/components/ng2_example_1/component
Then no matter what settings we had selected it will load proper file, even if we hard-coded path.
I installed last version I found a couple of issues, first one is related with undefined index:
I noticed that "hook_component_info_alter" implementation within "pdb_ng2" module, it check "ng2" presentation components in order to define path, but it applies an "else" statement to check any others components, and it throws this warning message.
We should remove "else" statement, and if we need to define path to any other component, we should implement "hook_component_info_alter" into correct module.