mrmckain / Fast-Plast

Automated de novo assembly of whole chloroplast genomes.
MIT License
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Path #62

Open ysy12306 opened 7 months ago

ysy12306 commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure if my path is correct and which file they want to index to Can you send a sample path,for example my $FPROOT = "$FindBin::RealBin"; my $AFIN_DIR = "$FPROOT/afin"; my $COVERAGE_DIR = "$FPROOT/Coverage_Analysis"; my $FPBIN = "$FPROOT/bin"; my $TRIMMOMATIC="/home/yuesy/Fast-Plast/bin/Trimmomatic-0.39//trimmomatic-0.39.jar"; #path to trimmomatic executable my $BOWTIE2="/home/yuesy/Fast-Plast/bin/bowtie2-"; #path to bowtie2 executable my $SPADES="/home/yuesy/Fast-Plast-master/bin/spades-spades_3.15.5/assembler/"; #path to spades executable my $BLAST="/home/yuesy/Fast-Plast/bin/ncbi-blast-2.14.1+/bin/"; #path to blast executable my $SSPACE="/home/yuesy/Fast-Plast-master/bin/sspace_basic-2.1.1/"; #path to sspace exectuable my $BOWTIE1="/home/yuesy/Fast-Plast/bin/bowtie-1.1.2/bowtie"; #path to bowtie1 executable my $JELLYFISH=""; #path to jellyfish2 excecutable $ENV{'PATH'} = $PATH.':'.$BOWTIE1; thakn you!