mrpete5 / FilmFocus

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Migrate database from SQLite3 to a better option, ReqID 33 #24

Open mrpete5 opened 11 months ago

mrpete5 commented 11 months ago

Research what database(s) we should be using. Make a migration if necessary. We are using Django's default database of SQLite3, but should upgrade.

mrpete5 commented 11 months ago

Here is a comparison of some common database options for Django:

SQLite (Default)

Lightweight file-based database Good for development/testing Not suitable for production with multiple concurrent connections


Simple setup - works out of the box No database server needed


Not scalable for high traffic production sites No user management, permissions, etc.


Powerful open-source relational database Full-featured and production ready


Handles concurrent connections well Excellent performance with large datasets Advanced features like JSON type


Slightly more complex setup Need to manage users and permissions


Popular open-source SQL database Widely used with many hosting providers


Easy to find compatible web hosting Fast performance for medium traffic sites


Not as robust as PostgreSQL for advanced features


For a real production site, PostgreSQL is likely the best choice. It scales well and has a robust feature set. MySQL can also work for many use cases. SQLite is fine for testing/development but not suitable for deploying publicly.