ms-iot / iot-adk-addonkit

Contains command line scripts for package creation and image creation process and samples for iot products
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Dragonboard 410 Image Error on 1803 #305

Closed dgrothman closed 5 years ago

dgrothman commented 5 years ago

Building 410C on 1803

Opening workspace : C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1\IoTWorkspace.xml Corekit found OK Test certs installed ADK_VERSION : 10.0.17763.1 IOTCORE_VER : 10.0.17763.107 BSP_VERSION : ADDONKITVER : 6.0.181121.1730 HostOS Info : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro - 10.0.17763 - en-US IOTWKSPACE : C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1 OEM_NAME : PULSEGROUP BSP_ARCH : arm BSPPKG_DIR : C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1\Build\arm\pkgs MSPKG_DIR : C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\MSPackages\Retail\arm\fre IoTCorePShell arm Test PS C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1>New-IoTFFUImage INSiGHT test ADK_VERSION : 10.0.17763.1 IOTCORE_VER : 10.0.17763.107 BSP_VERSION : ADDONKITVER : 6.0.181121.1730 HostOS Info : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro - 10.0.17763 - en-US Validating product feature ids Reading feature ids in C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1\Source-arm\BSP\QCDB410C\Packages\QCDB410CFM.xml Reading feature ids in C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1\Source-arm\BSP\QCDB410C\Packages\QCDB410CTestFM.xml Reading feature ids in C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1\Common\Packages\OEMCommonFM.xml Reading feature ids in C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1\Source-arm\Packages\OEMFM.xml Checking Microsoft features in OEMInput file.. Checking OEM features in OEMInput file.. Building product specific packages Processing Registry.Version.wm.xml Processing Custom.Cmd.wm.xml Processing Provisioning.Auto.wm.xml Processing Recovery.WinPE.wm.xml

Security warning Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust this script, use the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message. Do you want to run C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1\Source-arm\BSP\QCDB410C\tools\NewFFUImage-Hook.ps1? [D] Do not run [R] Run once [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "D"): r Using custom SMBIOS settings Processing Custom.SMBIOS.wm.xml True Building FM files.. Exporting OEM FM files.. Processing OEMFMList.. Exporting QCDB410C BSP FM files Processing QCDB410CFMFileList.xml Creating Image.. See C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1\Build\arm\INSiGHT_test.log for progress This will take a while... ThreadId5716 ERROR: Error : ImageCommon!BuildCompDB: Some Conditional Features have been defined and determined to apply but the corresponding Feature is missing: ThreadId5716 ERROR: Error : FeatureID=OEM_SMBIOS_DEFAULT FMID=QCDB410C Build Completed. See C:\IoT\PULSEGROUP_1\Build\arm\INSiGHT\test\Flash.ffu True IoTCorePShell arm Test

When I flash it to the device I just get a WIndows Boot Manager Error with message Windows Failed to start and down below Status: 0xc000000d Info: An Unexpected error has occurred.

I can successfully flash 1709 images no problem, I have multiple dragonboards to test on and I am experiencing this issue on all of them.

I have included the log file also. INSiGHT_test.log

parameshbabu commented 5 years ago

I guess you are missing IOT_EFIESP feature id in your oeminput xml file. This is necessary to include the mandatory BCD packages.

FinitelyFailed commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue on 1809, I tried adding IOT_EFIESP. which resulted in a conflict:

ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\boot\boot.sdi' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\EFI\Boot\bootarm.efi' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\boot.stl' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootstat.dat' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\kd_8003_5143.dll' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\kdstub.dll' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\mobilestartup.efi' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\winsipolicy.p7b' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\windows\winsxs\manifests\arm_microsoft-windows-b..bootmanager-efi-esp_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.107_none_c150495fb58804e2.manifest' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:02] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\iuvalidator\packagevalidationrules.cpp, PackageValidationRules::Rule_DetectFileCollisions, line 726, Error  , Error - File collision detected, file '\windows\winsxs\manifests\arm_microsoft-windows-b..startup-bootsdi-efi_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.107_none_c96a2e7ce8d7f856.manifest' found in packages 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Devices-Test-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~' and 'Microsoft-OneCore-Boot-EFI-Production-Devices-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm~~'.
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:03] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\updatedll\lib\updatemain.cpp, UpdateMain::ValidatePackages, line 258, Error  , Failed to calculate update order, error is 0x80188306
ThreadId23456 ERROR: [00:00:03] onecore\base\cbs\mobile\updatedll\lib\prepareupdate.cpp, UpdateMain::PrepareUpdate, line 177, Error  , Package verification failed, error is 0x80188306
ThreadId23456 ERROR: Imaging!UpdateImage: Failed call to UpdateDLL::PrepareUpdate with error code: -2145877242 (0x80188306)
Error: Build failed
parameshbabu commented 5 years ago

I guess you are already using IOT_EFIESP_TEST. I suggest you try removing the IOT_EFIESP_TEST and use only IOT_EFIESP.

FinitelyFailed commented 5 years ago

Using IOT_EFIESP and not IOT_EFIESP_TEST yields the same result as originally described.

parameshbabu commented 5 years ago

Did you try a clean build? Lot of temp files might be reused causing this error again.

FinitelyFailed commented 5 years ago

I've created a new product, changed the TestOEMInput.xml file so that it uses the IOT_EFIESP instead of IOT_EFIESP_TEST and than tried to build the image (buildimage product2 Test). Got the same error. I didn't find any commands for cleaning the build (or workspace?).

I have tried the Qualcomm BSP of version 2120 and 2121, same error for both.

saraclay commented 5 years ago

If this is still an issue, I encourage you to post your question in our forums, where we have dedicated staff there to help you out. Thank you.