msantos / sods

Socket over DNS tunnel
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sdt_dns_poll: res_search: Unknown host, biatch v2! #5

Open kotee4ko opened 4 years ago

kotee4ko commented 4 years ago

Gr33t3ng5, Sir.

Thank you for you're awesome work.

I have a problem with running on client side.

(DOM)root@dom0:/opt/sods/sdt# ./sdt -v -v -v
session id = 56777, opt = 0, session = 0
sdt_dns_poll: res_search: Unknown host
sdt_dns_poll: res_search: Unknown host
sdt_dns_poll: res_search: Unknown host
sdt_dns_poll: res_search: Unknown host

i use different combinations of args, including -t <DNS type> TXT, CNAME, NULL [Default = TXT] also, i try to modify a bit this random value in source - the "-" char to the "." char. with no luck.

When i use, for example, dnscat2 - accepted the DNS tunnel. Even if i run dnscat2-client-side and on run SODS server side - it see packets, so, the trouble is in the client side. Also tcpdump is void when i run SODS client side on target host.

I have some project, i'm new to C programming. my profile is cyber-security, and PWN :+1: I need something very-very light and very-very stealthy. to do "pulse" to from target server. My idea is to make DNS tunnel every N seconds, send UDP/TCP packet*** to the serve. Receive the response from server, and, if there are nothing to do - close the tunnel. and sleep. I have everything but DNS tunnelling.

***sending to the host, as i can understand will be inside DNS tunnel, so i will be able to do on the target host something like echo 777 | netcat 1337 and on the server side netcal -lvtp 31337 will receive 777. this will be faking awesome :) or, if this is impossible - just common communication way.

So, can you please help me with this? p.s. sorry, if my English is bad :)

msantos commented 4 years ago

On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 08:47:10PM -0700, kotee4ko wrote:

Gr33t3ng5, Sir.

Hey kotee4ko!

Thank you for you're awesome work.

I have a problem with running on client side.

(DOM)root@dom0:/opt/sods/sdt# ./sdt -v -v -v
session id = 56777, opt = 0, session = 0
sdt_dns_poll: res_search: Unknown host
sdt_dns_poll: res_search: Unknown host
sdt_dns_poll: res_search: Unknown host
sdt_dns_poll: res_search: Unknown host

The nameserver for is replying with "unknown host". Is sods the name server for If not, a subdomain may need to be delegated to the sods server.

For example:

z 10800 IN NS

Then test the path is working by running tcpdump on and doing any name resolution:

dig @ # name server is reachable
dig # name requests are being routed to the subdomain

i use different combinations of args, including -t <DNS type> TXT, CNAME, NULL [Default = TXT] also, i try to modify a bit this random value in source - the "-" char to the "." char. with no luck.

When i use, for example, dnscat2 - accepted the DNS tunnel. Even if i run dnscat2-client-side and on run SODS server side - it see packets, so, the trouble is in the client side. Also tcpdump is void when i run SODS client side on target host.

Check sdt can reach the tunnel endoint directly:

sdt -r ...

I have some project, i'm new to C programming. my profile is cyber-security, and PWN :+1: I need something very-very light and very-very stealthy. to do "pulse" to from target server. My idea is to make DNS tunnel every N seconds, send UDP/TCP packet to the serve. Receive the response from server, and, if there are nothing to do - close the tunnel. and sleep. I have everything but DNS tunnelling.

That should work with the sdt -b option. sdt will still poll periodically in case there is any pending data from the other side of the tunnel.

So, can you please help me with this?

Hope that helps, if you're still running into issues, feel free to update the issue.

msantos commented 4 years ago

Missed the edits:


nc -k -l 31337 sods -L

kotee4ko commented 4 years ago

thank you for reply. i do domain name pointer so, when i try to i can see

root@server:/opt/sods/sods# ./sods -vvvv -d /tmp -L &
2020-08-03 21:20:02 Truncating query: no_additional = 1, no_answers = 0, no_authority = 0
2020-08-03 21:20:02

with which configuration i should run the sods server?

msantos commented 4 years ago

To test directly, something like:

# shelll 1
sudo sods -vvvv -d /tmp -L

# shell 2
nc -kl 31337

# shell 3: from localhost
sdt -r

If you type in the sdt shell, you'll see the keystrokes in the nc window and the opposite. You should also be able to go directly over the internet to the public IP address, if port 53 isn't blocked.

The issue is is a CNAME to an A record. If going directly to the IP address works, going to the CNAME should also work:

sdt -r

Usually we would want to go via the local network name server because outgoing network connections are blocked. The local resolver forwards DNS requests to your name server. For that to happen, must delegate the subdomain to your cname, i.e., use an NS record, not a CNAME.

kotee4ko commented 4 years ago

Got it. thank you.

i get ~23 kBit per second without gzipping and with using A requests only. from host to the server. but, from server to the host, with TXT records - the situation is crappy - some packages lost.

Can you hint me?

msantos commented 4 years ago

Just some general suggestions.

Try to determine who is dropping the packets:

Check the output of netstat -us on each hop.

I'm not clear if you were using an intermediary DNS server. If so, they may be throttling the number of requests:

kotee4ko commented 4 years ago

yes, a'm thinking about dns server pool.

but now, i'm stacked with sockets. how to get data, compress data, crypt data, encode data, send data, receive data, ..... put data on socket and.... and make it sync

kotee4ko commented 4 years ago

Sir, what about segmentation when port forwarding?

i have two ideas: 1 - make TXT requests from HOST to SERVER in qname send data from host to srv in srv add in txt field data from srv and reply to host

2 - make two NS on srv, for example & send in thread1 A with data from host to p1 send in thread2 txt with empty qname (only and receive reply with data from srv

which one is better?

also, what about TCP packet size? we can send < 255 byte for 1 request and we can set SOCK_SEGM_SIZE to custom value

is it better to set it bigger, for example 4KB or set it ~250 b and synk it like tcp_seg -> dns_req

thank you! :)