msarilar / EDEngineer

An overlay to track Elite Dangerous blueprints progress in real time
MIT License
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Materials not syncing in Odyssea #688

Open RossSoft opened 2 years ago

RossSoft commented 2 years ago

If my material amounts change while playing Odyssea, Edengineer does not pick it up. To resolve it, I have to exit Odyssea and load into Horizons. It then syncs up correctly. I am running latest version v1.1.6.23.

RossSoft commented 2 years ago

Update: after loading in Horizons, things sync properly. however, the counter for when mats increase is not working properly: counting_wrong

JTylerHTX commented 1 year ago

I noticed my Shopping Lists Commodities count changes when the screen is locked vs Unlocked. Neither shows the correct Value.This is intermittent... ie sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. Either way the amount in EDE is ususally a different value This is intermittent... ie sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. Odyssey Value image

ED Engineer Value image

WatcherCCG commented 1 year ago

Can confirm this issue myself. Not only is the material count not lining up correctly, ED Engineer still thinks I'm in a system inside the Bubble while I am actively farming a Guardian site for components. I've done literally everything on the troubleshooting page, and nothing has worked.

Spartelfant commented 1 year ago

Same issue here. Have tried to reload all data, both with the game running and with the game not running. Also tried deleting the EDEngineer directory in AppData. Material counts are still off, and location shown is from when I last logged into Horizons. I wonder what FDev did to break EDEngineer :(

Relogging into Horizons and reloading all data afterwards synced everything up again nicely though :)