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i found wery small amount of character dialogs is generated #10

Closed MartinAbilev closed 1 year ago

MartinAbilev commented 1 year ago

so by experimenting, i see the prompts containing fantasy writer if changed
can be useful. i changed to movie script writer and now it fits my needs better. maybe this to make global var too...

snip3r009 commented 1 year ago

can you explain more what you mean pls?

MartinAbilev commented 1 year ago

previous texts i generate contain zero or small amount of dialogs . it more kinda reteling from 3 person's view .

snip3r009 commented 1 year ago

can you give an example?

MartinAbilev commented 1 year ago

kinda 1 chapter .

The Lost Oasis
Chapter 1 - The Lost Oasis
In a world ravaged by the aftermath of an apocalyptic event, where the sun hides behind a thick veil of smog, casting an
eerie glow upon the desolate landscape, Asif Shepard, a seasoned and weathered detective, embarked on a treacherous
journey to the hidden oasis of Ricota. It was a place whispered about in hushed tones and fearful gazes, famed for
harboring secrets and mysteries, shielded from the chaos that reigned in the outside world.
The moment Asif's boots met the parched earth, a harsh and scorching wind greeted him, carrying with it the whispers of
a long-forgotten civilization that seemed to echo through the vast expanse of barren sand. The oasis stood before him, a
shimmering mirage amidst a sea of desolation. Towering palm trees, their once-vibrant leaves now tattered and worn,
swayed in a graceful dance as if bewitched by some invisible force, their fronds reaching toward an ethereal promise.
Stepping onto the cracked pavement of Ricota's main street, Asif's sharp eyes narrowed, scanning the worn and
weathered facades of the dilapidated buildings that lined the thoroughfare. He had witnessed the horrors that dwelled
within this decaying world, but the series of gruesome murders that plagued the oasis held the promise of unveiling a
darkness far more sinister than anything he had encountered before.
Layers of dried paint peeled from the walls, revealing glimpses of vibrant colors that had faded and subdued over time,
marred by the relentless assault of the elements. The echoes of life, once vividly painted on these walls, now whispered
their stories through faded murals and graffiti, a testament to the tenacity of human existence even in the face of
overwhelming odds. These remnants of bygone days whispered of a time when this hidden haven thrived as an oasis of
hope within the crumbling world. Now, it had succumbed to the weight of its secrets, succored by the shadows that
danced in the alleyways.
Asif trailed his fingers along the uneven surface, feeling the rough texture beneath his touch. The walls seemed to
breathe, alive with the stories etched into their silent depths. Each crack told a tale of survival, the resilience of humanity
entrenched within their very foundation. It was here, in this forsaken place, where hope clung desperately, refusing to
relinquish its grasp.
Guided by a potent mix of instinct and intuition, Asif ventured deeper into the labyrinth of the lost oasis, his steps
swallowed by the sweltering heat that threatened to suffocate every breath. Sweat trickled down his forehead, mirroring
the beads of anticipation that gathered within.
His boots carried him through narrow alleyways, where darkness lurked in the nooks and crannies, broken only by the

flickering glow of ancient lampposts, their feeble light casting elongated shadows in the gloom. Whispers of long-
forgotten secrets brushed against his ears as the wind found its way through the cracks of time. Each footfall echoed

through the silence like a symphony, a haunting reminder of the brave souls who had once walked these same paths,
leaving nothing but faded footprints and shattered dreams in their wake.
Asif's senses heightened, his detective instincts kicking into overdrive, as if awakened by the supernatural presence that
permeated the air. The trail of murder that he followed seemed to converge, leading him towards a place where the line
between reality and fantasy blurred, where myth intertwined with the truths that had long been suppressed. This was a
place where the constraints of mere mortals collided with forces far beyond their comprehension.
The lost oasis of Ricota held the key to unraveling the enigmatic mystery that had consumed Asif's thoughts and
propelled him forward. It was here, amidst the crumbling edifices and forgotten legends, that he would confront the
shadows that had plagued this hidden sanctuary, with nothing but his steadfast determination as his guiding light.
With every step, he ventured deeper into the heart of darkness concealed within the oasis. The magnitude of the task at
hand weighed heavily on his stooped shoulders, but there was an unwavering determination etched deep within his
weathered face. He pledged to unearth the secrets of Ricota, no matter the cost.
For in this desolate and shattered world, where hope was often buried beneath the sands of time, Asif Shepard stood as a
beacon, a solitary figure dedicated to uncovering the truth, and bringing justice to the lost oasis of Ricota in a quest
tainted by shadows and the eerie whispers of an uncertain fate.

I not like such way it done

snip3r009 commented 1 year ago

ok, but what do you like instead of this?

MartinAbilev commented 1 year ago

this is when i change to script writer it gives more detail on story and dialogs . for me it is better than prewious oweral description of story.

Chapter 1:


The blistering sun beats down on the vast expanse of the Ricota Desert, a merciless landscape where survival is a perpetual struggle. Dilapidated buildings and sand-covered streets paint a picture of a forgotten city. In the distance, the mirage-like oasis known as "The Last Oasis" shimmers, its allure beckoning the weary souls seeking respite from the arid wasteland.


The gloomy atmosphere of the Ricota Police Station belies the urgency within. Detectives buzz around, their footsteps echoing against the worn linoleum floor. Cases piled high on desks, forming mountains of evidence, give the room an air of chaos.

At the heart of the commotion stands DETECTIVE ASIF EMANUEL SHEPARD, a sharp-witted investigator in his mid-30s. With piercing eyes and an air of determination, Asif possesses an uncanny ability to spot patterns others miss. He stands, surrounded by the cluttered evidence boards, methodically connecting dots others fail to see.

Asif's partner, DETECTIVE LENA BROWNING, strides into the room. A cloud of cigarette smoke trails behind her, mingling with the scent of old paperwork and stale coffee.

Asif, you ought to consider moonlighting as a detective novelist. Your obsession with connecting the dots is getting legendary around here.

And you, Lena, are doing your best to turn this place into an inferno with your chain-smoking. We all find solace in our own ways.

Lena leans against a desk, arms crossed.

Well, Einstein, what new puzzle are we decrypting today?

Asif steps back, revealing a series of gruesome crime scene photos. Each one portrays a victim with meticulously carved ritualistic markings etched into their skin.

A pattern, Lena. Each murder victim from the last month bears these eerie markings. It's not just your ordinary cult killing; it's part of some twisted ceremony.

(raising an eyebrow)
So, we stumbled upon a cult, huh?

Perhaps, but there's more to it. The precision, the underlying intent... it doesn't add up. This is the work of a mastermind orchestrating the strings.

Asif's phone buzzes, cutting through their conversation. He retrieves it, discovering a new text message.

Unknown Number: Detective Shepard, I possess information crucial to the murders. Meet me at "The Last Oasis" at midnight.

(showing the message to Lena)
Looks like someone is willing to be our muse.

(glancing at her watch)
You sure you want to walk into an unknown trap? This could be a setup.

That's why I need you to prepare our backup plan. I'll go alone.

Lena nods, understanding the unspoken trust between them.


The sound of chaos fades into a constant hum as Asif meanders through the vibrant streets of Ricota. Neon lights cast a kaleidoscope of colors upon the weary faces that pass him by. The city's heartbeat throbs through the air, each pulsation enveloping him in its embrace. Asif reaches the outskirts of town, nearing an unassuming building where a neon sign flickers, reading "The Last Oasis."


The dimly lit bar is a sanctuary for the city's desolate souls. The air hangs heavy with a mix of cigarette smoke and the scent of aged whiskey. Conversation weaves a tapestry of murmurs, punctuated by the clinking of glasses.

Asif's eyes scan the room, razor-sharp and observant. They glide over faces and gestures, picking up nuances, until they finally lock on a SHADOWY FIGURE sitting alone in a corner booth.

Asif approaches the figure, his footsteps lingering silently against the worn-out carpet.

You claim to possess information about the murders?

The Shadowy Figure nods subtly, shrouded in mystery.

Indeed, Detective Shepard. But be warned, the truth you seek will unravel everything you thought you knew about Ricota.

Asif's curiosity intensifies, his gaze locked onto the figure.

Tell me. I can handle the truth.

The Shadowy Figure leans in, their voice barely above a whisper.

The city of Ricota may never be the same again, Detective. The darkness running through its veins surpasses your wildest imagination.

Asif's determination intensifies, ready to plunge into the depths of this enigma and expose the truth hidden beneath Ricota's shifting sands.


Chapter 2:


The sun casts its golden rays through the windows, casting a warm glow upon the crowded desks. Asif sits at his desk, deep in thought, his fingers tapping against the worn surface.

There's something more to these murders, Lena. Something that goes beyond a mere cult.

Lena leans against Asif's desk, her eyes filled with curiosity.

(raising an eyebrow)
And what makes you say that?
snip3r009 commented 1 year ago

ahh, ok. i do like this: Similar to the pulse-pounding intensity of J. R. R. Tolkien, or Stephen King etc. then it generates good novels