mstrens / oXs_on_RP2040

version of openXsensor to be used on raspberry pi pico RP2040 (more protocols, more functionalities)
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Unusual high values for Pitch and Roll #105

Closed Satcomix closed 9 months ago

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

Hello Mstrens, I'll be back after a health break. I'm currently doing a few tests with the version. 2.8.0-Main and my X20S with FBUS protocol. I noticed unusually high values ​​for the pitch and roll values. I've already replaced the MP6050, but haven't noticed any improvement. You can see it clearly on the Field View. Is there any news about Pitch and Roll that I don't know? Best regards, Torsten Version = 2.8.0-Main Cmd to execute: FV

GPS Latitude = xx.xxxxxxxxxx degree GPS Longitude = x.xxxxxxxxx degree GPS Groundspeed = 6 cm/s GPS Heading = 316.610000 degree GPS Altitude = 4107 cm GPS Num sat. = 117 GPS Date J M A = 2 10 23 GPS Time H M S = 13 10 49 GPS Pdop = 121 GPS Home bearing = 130 degree GPS Home distance = 2 m Volt 1 = 3707 mVolt Current (Volt 2) = 1653 mA Volt 4 = 307 mVolt Capacity (using current) = 89 mAh Temp 1 (Volt 3) = 25 degree Vspeed = -48 cm/s Baro Rel altitude = 41 cm Pitch = 3338 degree Roll = 9991 degree RPM = 1007 Hertz Ads 1 1 = 119 mVolt Ads 1 2 = 119 mVolt Ads 1 3 = 119 mVolt Ads 1 4 = 119 mVolt Ads 2 1 = 119 mVolt Ads 2 2 = 119 mVolt Ads 2 3 = 119 mVolt Ads 2 4 = 119 mVolt Airspeed = 30 cm/s Compensated Vspeed = -2 cm/s Gps cumulative distance = 17 Vspeed compensation = 1.10

mstrens commented 9 months ago

The issue is perhaps in the FV command. The internal values are in 0.01 degree but in FV I forgot to divide the values by 100 to get degree. if you divide the values by 100 do you get valid values? In next version I will fix the FV format issue.

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

Hello Mstrens, My Display on my X20S with FBUS protocol show the same values from 0° to 10000° for Pitch and Roll Greetings, Torsten

mstrens commented 9 months ago

can you try latest version (in test branch). I fixed a bug some months ago about roll and pitch (values had to be divided by 100). In 2.8.11, I just fixed the printout for FV (not tested).

Note : 2.8.11 contains several new features (partly tested):

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

Thanks Mstrens, In the X20S Radio now everything is ok with version 2.8.0, with the new Firmware for Radio, there were more features. I must set it from -90° to +90° and a resulution from 0.00°. I will test the 2.8.11 version with the new features. Greetings, Torsten

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

Hello Mstrens, with Ver.:2.8.11_test everything for pitch and roll in FV is ok. I will close this issue and make some more test with log, esc, and sequences. Greetings, Torsten