mthamil / AspNetCore.Serilog.RequestLoggingMiddleware

Middleware for ASP.NET Core that uses Serilog to log requests.
Apache License 2.0
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ASP.NET Core Serilog Request Logging Middleware

Middleware for AspNet Core that uses Serilog to log requests. This project was inspired directly by the following post

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Visit NuGet to download.


To use, when configuring the IApplicationBuilder, such as in the Configure method of Startup.cs, add the following:

    using AspNetCore.Serilog.RequestLoggingMiddleware;
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)

or, when configuring the IWebHostBuilder in Program.cs, add the following:

    using AspNetCore.Serilog.RequestLoggingMiddleware;
    public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>


For both methods, an action that configures an instance of RequestLoggingOptions can be provided like so:

    app.UseSerilogRequestLogging(options => // Configure options here.

Currently there is only one option, RequestProjection, a delegate that defines a mapping determining which properties of an HttpRequest should be logged. By default, the following properties are logged:

This can be customized using the aforementioned options, such as in the following example which logs only the properties IsHttps and QueryString:

    app.UseSerilogRequestLogging(options => 
        options.RequestProjection = 
            r => new { r.IsHttps, QueryString = r.QueryString.Value });

An anonymous object or a named class instance can be provided specifying the properties to log. Note: the object provided will be logged using Serilog object destructuring.