Open infradig opened 5 months ago
$ cat :- module(m1, [f/0]). :- use_module(library(iso_ext)). f :- bb_put(abc, 456). $ cat :- module(m2, [g/0]). :- use_module(library(iso_ext)). g :- bb_put(abc, 123). $ scryer-prolog ?- use_module('m1'). true. ?- use_module('m2'). true. ?- m1:f. true. ?- m2:g. true. ?- m1:bb_get(abc, V). V = 123. ?- m2:bb_get(abc, V). V = 123. ?- bb_get(abc, V). V = 123.
I know the docs say it is a global key, but it's incompatible with the other systems.
From what I can tell, tabling seems to require that the blackboard is global. This is odd as I believe tabling module came from SWI (before it was replaced there) and the blackboard is not currently global there.
I know the docs say it is a global key, but it's incompatible with the other systems.