The error information packet is now well known, and is already being requested by the firmware.
Mitsubishi publishes a list of text descriptions of the error codes (linked in the wiki), which may be beneficial to include in the error report. IMO, error reporting should be a sensor:
If no error, report All Clear or similar.
If an error appears via the two-character code, display that and the associated lookup: Error J2 - FooBar
If an error appears via the four-character code, display that and associated lookup: Error 7400 - Baz
Both the two-character and four-character codes should be submitted as an attribute, alongside a boolean All Clear value.
The error information packet is now well known, and is already being requested by the firmware.
Mitsubishi publishes a list of text descriptions of the error codes (linked in the wiki), which may be beneficial to include in the error report. IMO, error reporting should be a sensor:
All Clear
or similar.Error J2 - FooBar
Error 7400 - Baz
Both the two-character and four-character codes should be submitted as an attribute, alongside a boolean All Clear value.