muaz-khan / WebRTC-Scalable-Broadcast

This module simply initializes and configures it in a way that single broadcast can be relayed over unlimited users without any bandwidth/CPU usage issues. Everything happens peer-to-peer!
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error:HTTPs i.e. SSL-based URI is mandatory to use screen capturing. #17

Closed Jackie2016 closed 8 years ago

Jackie2016 commented 8 years ago

hi,muaz expert i test WebRTC Scalable Broadcast in firefox browser.i select screen option.and when i joined,i get the error: HTTPs i.e. SSL-based URI is mandatory to use screen capturing. i think it means sample need https server. then i revised the i can use https.but i meet a new error like these

navigator.mozGetUserMedia have been replaced by navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia RTCMultiConnection.js:3895:12 participant asked for availability RTCMultiConnection.js:2616:29 target user has no stream; it seems one-way streaming or data-only connection. RTCMultiConnection.js:3027:21 target user's SDP has? { "OfferToReceiveVideo": false, "OfferToReceiveAudio": false } RTCMultiConnection.js:3038:1 accepting request from 1ifvblkl9eof20529 RTCMultiConnection.js:3060:13 sdp-constraints { "OfferToReceiveAudio": false, "OfferToReceiveVideo": false } RTCMultiConnection.js:4207:1 optional-argument { "optional": [ { "DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement": true }, { "googImprovedWifiBwe": true }, { "googScreencastMinBitrate": 300 } ], "mandatory": {} } RTCMultiConnection.js:4221:1 rtc-configuration { "iceServers": [ { "url": "" }, { "url": "" }, { "url": "", "credential": "homeo", "username": "homeo" }, { "url": "", "credential": "webrtc", "username": "webrtc" } ], "iceTransports": "all" } RTCMultiConnection.js:4245:17 (getLocalDescription) peer createType is offer RTCMultiConnection.js:3956:17 RTCIceServer.url is deprecated! Use urls instead. onSdpError: {}

what is wrong? i think it is because i cant access and other website showed above.but i cant change this.could expert give some advice to change my rtciceserver? thanks

Jackie2016 commented 8 years ago

later,i remove stun server of,i continue to debug,i get the errors:

Screen Capturing frame is loaded. RTCMultiConnection.js:3471:13 Make sure that you are using Firefox Nightly and you enabled: media.getusermedia.screensharing.enabled flag from about:config page. You also need to add your domain in "media.getusermedia.screensharing.allowed_domains" flag. If you are using WinXP then also enable "media.getusermedia.screensharing.allow_on_old_platforms" flag. NEVER forget to use "only" HTTPs for screen capturing! RTCMultiConnection.js:361:17 on:state:change (browser): fetching-usermedia: About to capture user-media with constraints: { "audio": false, "video": { "maxWidth": 1920, "maxHeight": 1080, "mozMediaSource": "window", "mediaSource": "window" } } RTCMultiConnection.js:5957:13 invoked getUserMedia with constraints: { "audio": false, "video": { "maxWidth": 1920, "maxHeight": 1080, "mozMediaSource": "window", "mediaSource": "window" } } RTCMultiConnection.js:3861:1 participant asked for availability RTCMultiConnection.js:2616:29 target user has no stream; it seems one-way streaming or data-only connection. RTCMultiConnection.js:3027:21 target user's SDP has? { "OfferToReceiveVideo": false, "OfferToReceiveAudio": false } RTCMultiConnection.js:3038:1 accepting request from gj27rqapj7zaor RTCMultiConnection.js:3060:13 sdp-constraints { "OfferToReceiveAudio": false, "OfferToReceiveVideo": false } RTCMultiConnection.js:4207:1 optional-argument { "optional": [ { "DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement": true }, { "googImprovedWifiBwe": true }, { "googScreencastMinBitrate": 300 } ], "mandatory": {} } RTCMultiConnection.js:4221:1 rtc-configuration { "iceServers": [ { "url": "" }, { "url": "", "credential": "homeo", "username": "homeo" }, { "url": "", "credential": "webrtc", "username": "webrtc" } ], "iceTransports": "all" } RTCMultiConnection.js:4245:17 (getLocalDescription) peer createType is offer RTCMultiConnection.js:3956:17 RTCIceServer.url is deprecated! Use urls instead. onSdpError: {} ----PeerConnection/<.onSdpError()

i can access,i dont know why i also get the error?

and this is the recevied peer console show message as below

Signaling channel is not ready. Connecting... RTCMultiConnection.js:226:17 Screen Capturing frame is loaded. RTCMultiConnection.js:3471:13 Signaling channel is connected. Joining the session again... RTCMultiConnection.js:229:21 on:state:change (sy8r5i1tuxwb81gkbqik): detecting-room-presence: Checking presence of the room. RTCMultiConnection.js:5957:13 on:state:change (browser): room-available: Initiator is available and room is active. RTCMultiConnection.js:5957:13 Seems data-only connection. RTCMultiConnection.js:2787:20 on:state:change (sy8r5i1tuxwb81gkbqik): connecting-with-initiator: Checking presence of the initiator; and the room.