Autocomplete currently cannot accurately search from list of items when I want to show value selected , but search by label/title/name.
Im using autocomplete for searching for country code , user should be able to search by typing country name , but when selected , the country phone code will be displayed.
If i change the getOptionLabel
getOptionLabel={(option) => option.phoneCode}
getOptionLabel={(option) =>}//name is country name / label/title , autocomplete will work ,but I cannot achieve what I want to achieve with autocomplete
Expected behavior
Autocomplete can correctly search from list of items and when selected , the value ( which is different from the label/title/name) will be shown in the option label instead
Your environment
npx @mui/envinfo
Tested on Chrome Version 129.0.6668.101 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Don't forget to mention which browser you used.
Output from `npx @mui/envinfo` goes here.
OS: Windows 11 10.0.22631
Node: 20.11.1 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
npm: 10.2.4 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
pnpm: Not Found
Chrome: Not Found
Edge: Chromium (128.0.2739.79)
@emotion/react: ^11.11.4 => 11.11.4
@emotion/styled: ^11.11.5 => 11.11.5
@mui/base: 5.0.0-beta.42
@mui/core-downloads-tracker: 6.0.0-dev.240424162023-9968b4889d
@mui/icons-material: ^5.15.20 => 5.15.20
@mui/joy: ^5.0.0-beta.36 => 5.0.0-beta.36
@mui/material: ^5.15.20 => 5.15.20
@mui/private-theming: 6.0.0-dev.20240529-082515-213b5e33ab
@mui/styled-engine: 6.0.0-dev.20240529-082515-213b5e33ab
@mui/system: 6.0.0-dev.240424162023-9968b4889d
@mui/types: 7.2.14
@mui/utils: 6.0.0-dev.20240529-082515-213b5e33ab
@mui/x-date-pickers: ^7.9.0 => 7.9.0
@types/react: ^18.3.3 => 18.3.3
react: ^18.3.1 => 18.3.1
react-dom: ^18.3.1 => 18.3.1
typescript: ^5.4.3 => 5.4.5
Possible related issue
Search keywords
Latest version
Steps to reproduce
Link to live example: (required)
I have noted there might be a related issue where there might be wrong search results when there are lots of data - according to issue
Current behavior
Autocomplete currently cannot accurately search from list of items when I want to show value selected , but search by label/title/name.
Im using autocomplete for searching for country code , user should be able to search by typing country name , but when selected , the country phone code will be displayed.
If i change the getOptionLabel from getOptionLabel={(option) => option.phoneCode} to getOptionLabel={(option) =>}//name is country name / label/title , autocomplete will work ,but I cannot achieve what I want to achieve with autocomplete
Expected behavior
Autocomplete can correctly search from list of items and when selected , the value ( which is different from the label/title/name) will be shown in the option label instead
Your environment
Tested on Chrome Version 129.0.6668.101 (Official Build) (64-bit) ``` Don't forget to mention which browser you used. Output from `npx @mui/envinfo` goes here. System: OS: Windows 11 10.0.22631 Binaries: Node: 20.11.1 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE npm: 10.2.4 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD pnpm: Not Found Browsers: Chrome: Not Found Edge: Chromium (128.0.2739.79) npmPackages: @emotion/react: ^11.11.4 => 11.11.4 @emotion/styled: ^11.11.5 => 11.11.5 @mui/base: 5.0.0-beta.42 @mui/core-downloads-tracker: 6.0.0-dev.240424162023-9968b4889d @mui/icons-material: ^5.15.20 => 5.15.20 @mui/joy: ^5.0.0-beta.36 => 5.0.0-beta.36 @mui/material: ^5.15.20 => 5.15.20 @mui/private-theming: 6.0.0-dev.20240529-082515-213b5e33ab @mui/styled-engine: 6.0.0-dev.20240529-082515-213b5e33ab @mui/system: 6.0.0-dev.240424162023-9968b4889d @mui/types: 7.2.14 @mui/utils: 6.0.0-dev.20240529-082515-213b5e33ab @mui/x-date-pickers: ^7.9.0 => 7.9.0 @types/react: ^18.3.3 => 18.3.3 react: ^18.3.1 => 18.3.1 react-dom: ^18.3.1 => 18.3.1 typescript: ^5.4.3 => 5.4.5 ```npx @mui/envinfo
Search keywords: autocomplete