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VS Code error #47

Closed kammerdiener closed 2 years ago

kammerdiener commented 2 years ago

Currently I am unable to use the waktime plugin for VS Code with Hakatime. I have tried across Linux and Mac. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin. Currently here are the errors I am getting.


"POST /api/v1/users/current/heartbeats.bulk HTTP/1.1" 400 - "" "wakatime/v1.27.0 (linux-5.11.0-34-generic-x86_64) go1.17.1 vscode/1.58.2 vscode-wakatime/17.0.8"


{"caller":"/home/runner/work/wakatime-cli/wakatime-cli/cmd/legacy/run.go:235","func":"sendDiagnostics","level":"error","message":"failed to send diagnostics: invalid response status from \"https://<<REDACTED>>/api/v1/plugins/errors\". got: 400, want: 201. body: \"{\\\"error\\\":\\\"MethodNotAllowed\\\",\\\"message\\\":\\\"Ensure that the Content-Type header field is set correctly\\\"}\"","now":"2021-09-22T13:04:39-04:00","version":"v1.27.0"}

My zsh plugin is working properly and recording everything. It is just the VS Code extension that is having issues.