multiply-org / multiply-core

The core functionality of the MULTIPLY platform
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This repository contains core functions of the main platform. It holds utility functions that are shared across the platform by several components as well as the documentation of the complete platform.


How to install

The first step is to clone the latest code and step into the check out directory:

$ git clone
$ cd multiply-core

The MULTIPLY Core has been developed against Python 3.6. It cannot be guaranteed to work with previous Python versions. The MULTIPLY Core can be run from sources directly. To install the MULTIPLY Core into an existing Python environment just for the current user, use

$ python install --user

To install the MULTIPLY Core for development and for the current user, use

$ python develop --user

How to use

MULTIPLY Core is available as Python Package. To import it into your python application, use

$ import multiply_data_access

Generating the Documentation

We use Sphinx to generate the documentation of the MULTIPLY platform on ReadTheDocs. If there is a need to build the docs locally, these additional software packages are required:

$ conda install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme mock
$ conda install -c conda-forge sphinx-argparse
$ pip install sphinx_autodoc_annotation

To regenerate the HTML docs, type

$ cd doc
$ make html
