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Advanced Tremolo Options (Mainly for percussion) #20883

Open zacjansheski opened 8 months ago

zacjansheski commented 8 months ago

Your idea

A special window for advanced tremolo options the user can open after right-clicking a tremolo.

The window could contain something like this... Keep in mind I am not a designer :)

☐ Measured ☐ Unmeasured ☐ Sustain sound (e.g. closed roll)

☐ Skeleton/rate control:

Notation appearance:

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 11 06 11 AM


Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 11 06 21 AM

The user would need to be able to edit the playback image in the same way as writing rhythms and adding articulations/metered tremolo. Perhaps even MIDI pitches and CC controls as well.

Problem to be solved

Across percussion music, there are various philosophies and playback expectations for tremolos/rolls. A good example would be rudimental vs concert snare drumming, but there are other examples as well. To accommodate more users writing for percussion, they need to be able to establish their own rules for tremolo notation and playback.

Prior art

No response

Additional context

Settings should be able to be copied and pasted throughout the score. But new tremolos would likely need to be set to default when they are written from scratch.

zacjansheski commented 8 months ago

For more context. The Muse Sounds snare drum plays a sustained buzz roll for the three-slash tremolo. But it is common to use the two-slash tremolo on eighth notes. Having that option/control would be desirable.

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zacjansheski commented 8 months ago

Rudimental/marching music is inconsistent. It might be desired for this:

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 12 49 52 PM

To mean any of these

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zacjansheski commented 7 months ago

Another example of this (and

fp crescendo rolls on large drums need an opportunity for the first strike to decay, so the player hits and waits to roll to crescendo. The example here shows this approach sounds better in the software as well.

bkunda commented 4 months ago

@zacjansheski I think this might have to be something we tackle as the new percussion system evolves over time (in other words, it's probably going to be beyond the scope of the initial feature release, but should be a high priority for subsequent release updates).

TobyTwo32 commented 1 month ago

@bkunda @zacjansheski this should effect other sections non-percussion, like strings too. The possibilities this opens for better playback without sacrificing the readibility of the score. Currently there are bugs with strings that they don't play tremolos correctly.

DaddyLudwig commented 1 month ago

Yeah, with 1 stroke and 2 stroke measured tremolos in strings, they always sound staccatissimo, whereas, at least in slow movements, I'd want the notes of the tremolo to be sustained. The staccatissimo sound tremolo currently has makes perfect sense in a Presto, but in an Adagio, not so much.

TobyTwo32 commented 1 month ago

@DaddyLudwig sustain tremolos would sound terrible if they don't have round robins recorded, what would you want in this case is portato samples to play since they hold a bit longer than staccato which would make perfect for repetitions in slow tempos in my honest opinion.

wizofaus commented 1 month ago

Measured tremolo is just a notational "convenience" - the playback should be identical to the same notes written out in full. Unmeasured is different of course, and having a flag or some global threshold to determine whether a tremolo is measured or unmeasured would be handy.