mv740 / E-Wok-MyConcordia

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Staff Validation Process #9

Closed ConfusedGiant closed 7 years ago

ConfusedGiant commented 7 years ago

As a staff member, I can accept or reject the picture uploaded by the student.

[SP: 8] [Priority: 1] [Risk: medium]

petitlegume commented 7 years ago

tasks 9.1) implement a yes/no system to validate each image 9.2) receive picture on the web app 9.3) Send back the yes or no response

daBGHarry commented 7 years ago

Here is an initial prototype of our web app design. We were thinking of using a swiping system similar to tinder (dating app) - minus the swiping - to quickly be able to skim through pictures. Instead of swiping, users shall accept or reject pictures with buttons. Users shall also be able to approve or reject pictures by using left or right arrow hotkeys respectively. The user shall be able to review all approved/rejected pictures in the event of a change of heart about some of the more recent pictures. Further ideas include having a "Recent approvals/rejections" section. In the main view, there will shown the previous 3 pictures that have been either approved or denied to allow users to make quick corrections in case mistakes are made.

1 - main

2 - screen 1

3 - screen 1

4 - screen 1

daBGHarry commented 7 years ago

Meetings 10-12-16

Facial recognition Search options: id, lastName, firstName, dateOfBirth, email No need to have a queue for the web app History of the previous pictures Limit the amount of clicking Still need to validate in person (see picture above) Who approved the request

mv740 commented 7 years ago

Using ""

You will receive a JSON containing the id of the user, his pendingpicture, and two previous previous picture if they exist.

The picture data is a byte array, therefore you will need to specify this to your image source to be able to display it

jfbourgault commented 7 years ago

Use case validated. Approved